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No Time For a Shakedown...

Posted on Mon 26th Sep, 2016 @ 8:06pm by Colonel Horatio Drake

185 words; about a 1 minute read

I've barely been on the station for more than two days and already we have orders to undertake a potentially dangerous and resource stretching mission on the very edges of this sector... to investigate some very strange activity. This will mean taking a ship out, which I am apprehensive about. Am I going to enjoy it too much? Is it going to bring back too many memories for me?

The USS Renown is still in mothballs; it will be months before she is even close to operational again. Which means I am going to be forced to take the USS Indefatigable out... a ship which should have been mothballed some decades ago. I truly have no idea whether she is up to the challenge.

We've had no time to test anything on the station, no time to test the ship and... most importantly... no time to test the crew. If something goes wrong out there, the closest ship is over a week away... we really will be on our own.

I am about to go into a Senior Staff briefing, let's see how they react.


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