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Heading to Starbase 109

Posted on Thu 15th Sep, 2016 @ 4:15pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Thu 15th Sep, 2016 @ 4:34pm

203 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: USS Scarborough, on approach to Starbase Vanguard
Stardate: 09151.6


Traveling on the USS Scarborough to Starbase 109, aka Vanguard. Have spent a lot of my time reading and researching the starbase. No access to crew records yet, as I haven't boarded. This always annoys me. When I have plenty of time to do the reading--while in transit--I haven't access to records. When everything is crazy-busy--upon arrival--only then do I get to learn about my crew and must read their personnel files all in a rush so I can learn about them before I see them.

At least the CO is noteworthy, so I was able to find some news articles about him. Rather young to be put in charge of a starbase, I must say. 28?! A bit alarming to find myself under the command of a fellow five years younger than I am. I presume he is brilliant. Most people of that age lack the maturity to run something so large and complex as a starbase. I shall look forward to meeting him.

Time to sign off and collect my things; looks like we are approaching.


Lt. Paul Graves, PsyD
Chief Counselor
Starbase Vanguard


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