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July 2023 Sim Report

Posted on Thu 6th Jul, 2023 @ 7:45am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD

Theta Fleet Sim Report for June 2023 Activity
Date of submission: July 5, 2023

Sim name: Starbase 109
URL for website:
Name of commanding officer: Acting CO Commander Paul Graves
Task Group: 51-A

Number of members at beginning of month: 12
Number of members at end of month: 11
Names of characters/players departed during month: 1
Names of characters/players added during month: 0

Title of current mission: (Love Is) Neither Yours nor Mine
Description of current mission: Trying to resolve a couple of romance plots and keep action moving forward, if illness will permit.

Number of posts (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 34
Post per player (user) average (as shown on the stats page in Nova): 3.09

Noteworthy changes/events on your sim during the preceding month: Various crew members have suffered from illness this month—pneumonia, severe neck pain, and covid. I am grateful to Susan for stepping in and keeping posts going in the interim. The biggest news, however, is that Brandon, player of Captain Elena Navarra, has made the USS Samurai into its own sim in Theta Fleet, and he will be leading it in TG 51-B. Congratulations, Brandon! I know you will lead Samurai well!

This leaves Commander Graves as acting CO, a fact that does not make him happy. That's what you call plot fodder! Fortunately, replacement staff are on the way.

Noteworthy Milestones this Month: In about a week, Austen, as Renato Solis and many others, will have been with Starbase 109 for three years. Congratulations, Austen!

Problems (if any) that the command staff should be aware of: We sought and have found people to take over as CO and XO of Starbase 109, but I’ve been sick for two weeks and haven’t read the sheets yet. I am talking to the applicants and will give them answers ASAP.

Post of the Month nomination and reason: To Austen, for Betwixt the Old and the New - I thought this was a beautifully written piece about a man dealing with demons, trying to overcome them, and dealing with the cusp of a new chapter in his life.

Player of the Month nomination and reason: To Susan for organizing several joint posts: poker night at Orchids and Jazz, and Jade Lantz’s farewell. You have my eternal gratitude, my friend, for teaching me the ropes of leading a sim. I will do my best to ensure that your advice is well taken and acted upon.

Writer of the Month nominations and reasons: CF, as Qaraq and Criswell Sandbags, for keeping things lively during various posts that he didn’t necessarily start: Tetraball from the Sky Box - and Criswell and Purulence’s Excellent Breakfast and the poker game posts.

Respectfully submitted
By the SB-109 Command Team


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