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Betwixt the Old and the New

Posted on Tue 4th Jul, 2023 @ 6:32pm by Renato Solis

1,756 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: CRC-Brown Sector
Timeline: MD6


{Renato’s Office}

He had promised Lexy no more drinking. She had caught him sneaking one last night and was old enough to understand why it was bad for him. So now Renato stared at the amber liquid in a clear bottle, hatred over his unquenchable thirst fixing a steady gaze. Usually the purpose of his drinking, or past in drug usage was to quiet the raging injustices tearing him inside. Putting the problems of his past behind him had become a matter of self-care and preservation, but today brought a new challenge, a message within the mail of the day that had carried such promise until the reading.

The void where the eyes would be underneath an opulent crown stared back and Renato blinked after a long, breathless absence from reality. Reaching for the smooth glass of bourbon, the simplest actions of grabbing the cup and pulling the cap would usually immediately follow. Instead, the small delicate thing was given a soft bed in the lowest right hand drawer of the simple wooden desk. He would have to suffer under the full weight of his emotions, tonight was a changing point, where everything felt like it might be gone by the morning. He craved the drink, but the techniques learned from Dr. Graves held strong, so he sat, and he coped.

A gentle rap on the door took his attention away, mercifully.

“Yes, Kya?” He guessed it was her, the kids came in without knocking, the residents never came here outside of business hours even if the light was on.

The door creaked open, he loved the sound and made sure it always groaned. A wooden door on a space station seemed so quaint Renato couldn't help himself. As Kya entered, she wore the look of one who almost asleep but torn away from bed. Dirty blonde hair piled to her shoulders, loose after a day in a tight bun, waring a silky robe and simple night shirt, that she had come to see him fresh from waking up was evident. While she may have been attending to affairs in the community, it was certain she knew the tumult ongoing behind closed doors.

She entered, looking exactly where the bottle had just sat moments ago. Renato saw her subtly sniff the air, as if to detect his sobriety. He allowed this to be an amusement and simply grinned as she worked her way to the desk, awkwardly trying to affect a casual air.

The CRC was at full capacity, her role had transitioned from Desperate Mother to his Right hand Woman and full time cook, to the village chief. She was his boss in so many ways now, but it didn’t bother him. If she needed it or wanted him to do something there was no questioning her. She was here to get answers, and Renato was recalcitrant on a good day.

“You’re just sitting in here. Usually… like music or something is playing…” Kya let humor color the message but he heard the request for more information softly loaded into it.

She hated to pry, it was obvious how upset this message had made him. It had been hours since the stamped message came from the Embassy, all the way from Ullia. A physical parcel with nothing but printed ink and paper, sent so far but bearing up to every scrutiny. It was real, a raised sigil, with actual ink, and it even smelled of home. Kya was here to check on him, and it made Renato all the more conflicted to know he had to tell her.

“Kya… I dont really want to… I mean to say…" Never one for stammering, Renato stoppe breifly and collected his thoughts, "I got a message. It’s… I’m being asked to testify in my case.”

She was truly surprised. With a fleet swiftness she took a seat in the chair across from him, “Oh sweet prophets. Renato your case is finally moving?”

He hated the glee in her eyes, she didn’t understand yet.

“More than moving Kya, they’re removing the Stigma as a criminally enforceable action. My case stands to be dismissed entirely.”

Something dawned within her as her expression darkened, “Oh. So you got to go, as in, leave. Ummm…”

They both were silent. The love between them was unspoken, and not romantic. He knew her so well, she had seen him at his worst, they had been the rock for each other for twenty years. This place was growing, and the station was finally dedicating real resources and making their lives better. The fight Renato had rallied to win was over, with everyone the victors.

“I never thought in my lifetime my people would change course on this. I’m listed alongside rapists and murderers. I used my abilities innately, I wasn’t even aware. They destroyed my life.”

Kya remembered the rage he had so long ago, the all consuming indignant rage to return the betrayal of his own world with his full furious wrath. Once, before tehy knew one another she was budgeting her credits at the replimat. He had asked her if she needed more credits to get the more plush sweater, but she declined. He ordered the plush sweater she had wanted for himself and left it there next to her. He said nothing, just walked away to start raging about dogmatic politicizations to someone else clearly intoxicated.

She still had the sweater, it still smelled of the first year here when she lived with fifteen others with incense constantly burning.

“Renato… I remember. We worked to put that away it was poison remember?”

Her gentle counsel had cured him of the poison over a long period. She was right, his bitter and jaded emotional default had carried him into the worst of his addictions. To allay her concern he gave her the smallest lift at the corners of his mouth.

“I remember. I think I am being used in a political lobby’s attempt to overturn the Stigma. Recalling me plays into their hands, I become a pariah and an icon. I didn’t actually do anything, just gleaned information really, didn’t try to exploit it at all. I’m the poster child for their movement.” His tone soured as he spoke, and her face dropped into a warm sadness.

“So it would define the rest of your life, and the people after you would come after you again. You’d have to go on the run again. But if they lift the Stigma, you and probably many other people get to return home-“

Renato cut her off abruptly, “No! Please, they suppress these abilities through chemical and even surgical means. They mutilate people, create brain damaged convicts, a living hell! I escaped from the whole world of people who supported this. Going back? I’d be killed, or brain dead in a month.”

Kya didn’t say anything, she was confused if he didn’t want to go, as to what the conflict was. She reached across the desk instead with her palm up. He obligingly took her hand, calming down immediately. With Kya, his touch returned only familiar sensations. Her memories were as a well read book to him, and she knew it. The affection she felt for him was a panacea in times of need, and an absolute life line to remember who he was.

He gave her the full news, “I am only here because the crimes I committed on my world are not crimes in the Federation. Ullia is not a member, the Stigma is a reason. If my case is dismissed, my asylum will end here. I will have to petition to join the Federation as a citizen and moved… somewhere. My station residency is contingent on the case and certain death sentence. Kya… Ill have no choice.”

Another silence overtook them, and they heard footsteps in the hallway, Kya knew the shuffling feet well, “Lexy… dear can you come in?”

The freckled face so much like her father slowly emerged from the frame, “Uncle Ren… are you drinking, your eyes are puffy?”

Kya was immediately annoyed, but Renato smiled and waved her off to look at Lexy, “No, just sad.”

“Oh. Can I help?” She gave him a look of unfiltered child like innocence and desire to help, and the knot in his stomach evaporated alongside that unquenchable thirst.

Having children was a burden and sacrifice, but the investment in a living being who you love and loves you has dividends beyond compare. Mirth and joy came to him at once, and her adorable face restored his vitality.

“You have my dear. You should be in bed though.” He beamed at her, but she stood her ground.

She had a serious face, and Kya beamed in pride when she answered, “I dont want to sleep while you are sad. I can play a game with you or we can… do the airplane thing?”

Kya stood and gently rested a hand on her shoulder, she was getting taller, her elbow was bent at a right angle.

“It’s too late for noisy games. You want to do some animations?” Lexy had learned digital animations, her eye for details and recreating moments was becoming very sharp. Holography was a definite future for her.

“No I’m bored with that now. We can play Yaama?”

Kya rolled her eyes, “Ok, well if you say so, go get it.”

She ran out of the room, the tone and atmosphere of the scene had changed for the better.

Kya took what would be their final private moments, “Don't you dare think you will ever be alone… We can only live one life at a time. Waht's past is past. We've built something here that’s good, and worthwhile, I love where our lives are going. We are here with you ok?”

He couldn’t help it, he lost a moment of composure and felt the wet tear on his face. “I dont want to go.”

Lexy was on her way back, the footsteps were fast and excited, she gave his hand a squeeze and with one final haltered breath he regained his composure.

They played their card game, and laughed. Renato forgot about the bottle, the letter, and for just the moment embraced the life they had together. Life had presented challenges before, and tomorrow might bring rain, but for tonight the larder was full, and all was well.



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Comments (1)

By Elizabeth Anderson M.D. on Fri 14th Jul, 2023 @ 10:31pm

I like the last paragraph so much - great philosophy and end to this post. Lexy is a charmer, too.