Valkyrie-class Starfighter

Created by on Wed 18th Jul, 2018 @ 8:40pm

Valkyrie class entered service during the Dominion war and went through a rapid development and deployment phase in the opening months of the war. Until the outbreak of hostilities, the Valkyrie program was delayed due to continued debates over the role of fighters in Starfleet. Heavy losses in the opening stages of the war spurred Starfleet to approve and prioritize the program in 2373. Valkyrie Starfighters are based on an aero wing design, which is suitable for limited atmospheric flight. The smoothed aero wing surface encases the twin warp nacelles and impulse engines. The cockpit incorporates features similar to a standard Starfleet shuttlecraft, with additional mission specific equipment, and the incorporation of a manual steering column. The cockpit also incorporates an emergency transporter system for the flight crew. The two-man crew requires a pilot and gunner working in tandem to maximize Valkyrie's systems. The flight suits the crew wears provide reserve life-support functions, and there have been no accommodations made for crew relaxation or rest outside of their flight seats. A Valkyrie-class is small enough to operate from a standard Starfleet shuttle bay, and it can also dock using the ventral docking port, which serves as the crew's primary hatch.