Starfleet Staff Position Histories

Created by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 8th Jul, 2018 @ 6:49pm

Your title here...
Commanding Officer
  • Commodore Suzuki Hikari (NPC. Surname is Suzuki.)
  • Colonel Horatio Drake (Deceased, early 2394.)
Executive Officer
  • Commander Mikaela Locke
  • Commander Zachary Hunt (Deceased, spring 2394.)
Second Officer
  • Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Chief Operations Officer
  • Lt. Baro Alora (Surname is Baro.)
Chief Security Officer
  • Lt. Dallas Briggs
  • Lt. Isabella Perry
  • Lt. Solan Jakkar
Security Investigations Officer
  • Lt(jg) Kellian Michaels (NPC)
  • Lt. Brock Johnson
Chief Tactical Officer
  • Lt. Commander Andrew Eberstark
Chief Medical Officer
  • Commander Chlamydia Addams, MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
  • Lt. Anjohl Gaden, MD (Surname is Anjohl.) (Vacant)
Chief of Surgery
  • Lt. Commandr Dhuro Lanis, MD (Surname is Dhuro.) (NPC)
Chief Counselor
  • Commander Paul Graves, PsyD
Chief Science Officer
  • Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller
Chief Intelligence Officer
  • Capt. Andrus Grax
  • Lt. Jacen Miller
  • Lt. Thomas Maynard
Chief Diplomatic Officer
  • Lt. Cmdr. Kiara Lena
  • Lt. Commander T'len Mori
  • Lieutenant Sianna Dal
Infiltration Specialists (Concurrent)
  • Lt. Adam Keller
  • Lt. Damion Ildaran
  • Ens. Elizabeth Brennan
Marine Commanding Officer
  • Brigadier General Franklin Sinclair (NPC)
  • Captain Gunnar
Marine Aerospace Group Commander
  • Col. Brooklyn Wellington (Vacant)
Marine Flight Squadron Leader
  • WO Moklor of the House Karn (Vacant)

Categories: Reference