The Slug and Grub

Created by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 10th Jun, 2018 @ 9:36pm

Though the Slug and Grub Restaurants specialize in Ferengi cuisine, they do also serve food for a wide variety of non-Ferengi passengers. The owner and chef of these restaurants is Morva, the wife of Trav, who is co-owner of the barge company.

Morva is dedicated to the idea of giving her guests a sublime Ferengi culinary experience. Never mind that Ferengi food is not the most popular cuisine in the galaxy or that the usual barge passenger is not looking for a gourmet meal.

OOC: Please note, the menu items are a combination of canon Ferengi foods and fan-created ones.

The Slug and Grub Menu


Boiled Green Rice Porridge with Yamok Sauce
Cardassian Fish Juice, served hot
Pureed Beetle
Slug Liver, served raw
Wasabi-Infused Fried Green Rice Cakes


Enaran Algae Puffs
Lokar Beans (Ask your waiter for a bowl!)
Terran Shrimp Cocktail


Blood Flea Soup
Eel Soup
Tube Grub Rice Noodle Soup


Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms
Deconstructed Sliced Tube-Grub Sandwich
Flaked Blood Flea
Fresh Tojal with Yamok Sauce, served hot
Jellied Gree-worm
Poached Krellfish Eggs in a Mursquid Ink Reduction
Roasted Whiteworm Kebobs
Slug Steak marinated in Caramelized Hoisin Sauce
Smoked Pipius Claw, served tame
Snail Steak with Truffle Oil-Infused Mushroom Foam
Steamed Jumbo Romulan Mollusk au Gratin
Tube-Grub Steak
War and Peace (Steamed Klingon Octopus with Florettes of Plomeek)


Millipede Juice (yellow) (hot or cold, with or without shells)
Root Beer
Snail Juice, with or without shells


Black Hole
Stardrifter (green)
Starduster (pink)