Durant Repair Services - Deck 1556

Created by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Fri 1st Jun, 2018 @ 9:47pm

Durant Repair Services specializes in on-site repairs rather than in-shop repairs, though it will certainly take in-shop orders. They can repair or do the following tasks:

  • Replicators--for food and non-comestibles.
  • Large video screens and holographic displays.
  • Piano tuning.
  • Electronic musical instruments.
  • Electronic security systems.
  • Waste disposal units.
  • Personal plumbing systems.
  • Refrigeration units.
  • Personal tricorders and scanners (not medical-rated).
  • Climate control units.
  • Lighting units.
  • Some carpentry--fitting cupboards and countertops, etc.
  • Computer repair.
  • Build a pet home, bookcase, or doll house.
  • PADDs and other small electronic appliances.

Need something fixed? Look for the people in blue coveralls, riding Segways.