Baby Invasion, Deck 610

Created by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 13th May, 2018 @ 7:34pm

Where else can you find a baby cradle shaped like Cthulhu, Barbie's Haunted Insane Asylum, toy iron maidens (with blunted spikes), or a statue of a skeleton mother cradling in her arms a skeleton baby that is dressed in a cute, pink Good-Bye Kitty infant dress? You know you want to shop here! Enjoy this scary merchandise to the dulcet tones of Metallica, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, Distartica, Twisted Sister, Disturbed, and Apocalyptica in the background.

Owners Trudi Spooner and Livia Fobbs are a pair of hard-rocking ex-biker chicks who started their business when they both became pregnant at about the same time and couldn't stand shopping at the more traditional baby stores. So they started a baby supply store that they thought women like them would come to and enjoy.

Categories: Promenade