SB-109 Style Sheet

Created by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sat 8th Jul, 2023 @ 7:37am

The writing style for SB-109 can be summed up pretty simply: Format your posts as if they were scenes in a novel.

That means there is no need to use special characters to set off speech by the computer or anything coming through a communicator or the PA system. Just use italics to indicate the computer's voice and other types of non-vocal speech. The Nova mark-up is em inside angle brackets and then close with /em inside angle brackets, similar to what you would do for normal HTML. Indicate telepathic communication and sign language the same way.

Inside the body of a post, you don't need to include the location, date, or characters/ranks, as Nova includes all this information for you when you fill in the text fields before submitting your post.

Nova does not require a lot of fussy HTML in mission posts, personal logs, or news items. You don't have to include paragraph tags or line break HTML in your posts. To separate paragraphs, just leave a blank line between them. That said, when you create LCARS entries, they do require you to code in the straight HTML, including paragraph tags and line break tags if you want your LCARS entry to format properly.

Each mission has a timeline of all the posts included in that mission, in chronological order. It presents as a draft post that every player is included in. When you publish a post, please add it to the mission timeline with the correct date and time of day, with a brief synopsis and a link to the post. If you want to get something on the timeline but haven't finished writing it yet, type (unpublished) by the entry.

To link to a mission post, type a href="URL of the post" enclosed in angle brackets. URLs typically begin with https:// . Next, type the title of the post. To the right of the title, enter /a in angle brackets. This will create a hyperlink to your post.

Don't capitalize articles or short prepositions in titles.

Categories: Reference