Created by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 1st May, 2022 @ 10:42pm

  1. The p-trap catches gunk from inside an air conditioner.
  2. PVC pipe needs primer (a purple liquid) and glue to seal. Brush the outside of the pipe with primer and the inside of the connector with primer, then brush both with glue.
  3. The primer will warm the PVC--can melt it. Press the pipe and connector together to ensure that the warming doesn't force them apart.
  4. Always ensure that the pipe running from the A/C unit to the p-trap slants downward.
  5. Use a bilge pump (can be bought from Walmart, so easily replicated) to remove water from the drip pan.
  6. Create a cleaning port by connecting the p-trap to the pipe leading from the A/C with a T-connector that is closed with a cap that can be removed when you want to clean (blow air through) the p-trap.
  7. Test the system by looking down the T-connector to watch water flow through. That should force out the initial clog. You can tell the system is clean by listening to the change in sound that tells you everything is clear.
  8. Research how A/C is provided in high-rise office buildings. I'm sure the A/C unit and compressor are kept in an HVAC room or a mechanical room.

Categories: Reference