Waging Peace Timeline

Created by on Fri 3rd Sep, 2021 @ 10:23pm

As per above information, please avoid back story posting unless there is simply NO way to treat the JP as current.

MD-21 years:

0000: Voar the Hirogen Huntress - The story of why Voareth left Hirogen space.
MD -789:

2200 hours: Damon, and Elaine. The couple spends time getting to know each other before heading to Oblivion. (unpublished)
MD -30:

0930 hours: All The Children, Part 5, Casualties. Zed and the Thunder Child investigate a mysterious virus
2100 hours: Zed gives Elliot Jericho a special mission.
MD 1:

0700: Morning Edition, Caroline Post with the latest Federation News
0900: Trouble on New Sydney? - The Intelligence team have their briefing and discuss a new situation on nearby New Sydney.
0950: Science, the Best of All Worlds - Perry, McCord and Henry tour Nomad.
10:00: Back In The Saddle, Part II - Locke returns to duty in Ops, meets with Suzuki (unpublished) 1025: The Face of Her Rage - Perry and McCord approach the Winter Sisters
1330: Business Tricks Part 6 - An Escape Pod crashes, while a really quick space battle occurs.
1400: Who's the Hero Now? Part 1 - Dual story lines with the Exo Comps, past and future.
1445: Who's the Hero Now? Part 2 - Dual story lines with the Exo Comps, past and future.
1500: Pre-Negotiation Diplomacy - Diplomats gather for dinner on Helicon III.
1510: Masquerade - A discussion between Jade Lantz and Reon Velasquez
1525: Opinions--Everyone Has One, Part 1 - Never let curious diplomats enter a library. You might not get them to leave.
1530: Who's the Hero Now? Conclusion - The effects of wiping Peggy's memory core
1700: Let the Battle Begin - Antero fights for its life against the Bird of Prey
1725: Opinions--Everyone Has One, Part 2 - T'Vala, Daeren, and their staff do some reading and learn that their mission has higher stakes than previously thought.
1738: Anomalous Day, Part 2 - Ni'cha and Aezash search for Yari and S'lani.
1828: Captain's Prerogative - Torrog and Boros discuss a business proposition.
1854: Rules of Acquisition -Torrog and Boros work out details of a cooperative business venture.
1930: Back In The Saddle, Yet Again - Mikaela finally catches up with Paul in Orchids & Jazz.
1950: Where Do We Go from Here? - Mikaela Locke and Paul Graves try to work out their relationship over dinner at Orchids & Jazz.
2010: Where Do We Grow From Here? - Mikaela & Paul continue their dinner at Orchids & Jazz. (unpublished)
2030: Old Friends - Barbee gets a surprise visit from an old friend.
2035: A Reception of Sorts - T'Vala, Daeren and Co. meet the feuding Helicon III diplomats. (unpublished)
2200: Personal Log: Turkana IV in the News--Again Damion Ildaran muses over a news report from his home planet and thinks about what separates the civilized from the barbaric.
2300: Breaking Rocks - Sipov meets with Ignatius to take the Grace out and see how she maneuvers.
2330: Breaking Rocks, Part 2 - After moseying around the Nameless Grace for a bit, Ignatius and Sipov arrive at the cockpit and get down to business.

Any Day in Paradise:

The Butcher's Bill Kel Nola on Oblivion
MD 2:

0315: I Stand Relieved Duty interval with Beck and Nordstrom 0400: There is Only War - Aiko dreams
0900: If Opportunity Doesn't Knock - Larry Kersenboom visits the Brown Sector Community Center to see if anyone needs repair work. Renato takes him in hand.
0910: An Adventurer in Plain Clothes - Larry and Renato continue their conversation about pro bono repair work. (unpublished)
0930: Enter the...Hirogen? - Voareth arrives for repairs, and to hunt her next kill
0940: Shorter Than I Thought - Voareth meets with Renato Solis inquiring about room and board.
1245: The Benefits of Sustenance - Conversation with a hungry El Aurian
1300: The Sustenance of Benefits - An El Aurian has a long memory.

MD 3:

0745: The Semblance of the Thing, Part 2 - Six speaks with Aradia about magic.
0750: The Semblance of the Thing, Part 3 - Damion talks with Aradia on the tram.
0810: Doesn't Mean It Isn't Real - Damion discusses with Chlamydia his impressions of Aradia. (unpublished)
1500: Physical for the Newly Arrived - Voareth seeks out Dr. Khellian s'Siedhri MD to scan her body
2200: Heis'he - Maiek reaps the consequences of loving a human woman... Ouch.
2300: First, Peace of Mind - Fearing for Mary Elizabeth's life, Maiek hurries to The Hangman's Noose.
MD 4:

0800: The Team is Gathered! - Isabella Perry, Riko McCord, Winter Sisters begin missions on WV Nomad (unpublished)
0810: What Have You Done to My Ship? Walker and Darqaron discuss ship needs
1400: Form of Art, Part 1 - Voareth 'enjoys' the River Walk while Purulence draws the scene.
1405: Form of Art, Part 2 - Voareth follows Purulence. Conversation ensues.
1410: Form of Art, Part 3 - Purulence discovers some of Voareth's nature. As does Voareth of Purulence.
1800: Ground, Pack and Quarry - Dr. Lanis Dhuro bumps into Voareth...literally.

MD 5:

0740: A Great, Secret Wisdom - Damion meets Aradia on the tram and discusses magic with her. (unpublished)
2200: Personal Log: Biting the Bullet Purulence Addams notes the goings-on in her life--college, loved ones, and interesting people whose portraits she would like to paint.

MD 6:

0900: A Time to K...Abort - Voareth finally goes after her prey only to find an unexpected witness.

MD 14:

0740: New Day, New Job - Damion begins his first day working for Starfleet CIS by meeting his unit supervisor and talking shop.