Collins-Griffin Mining Ventures

Created by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 5th May, 2021 @ 6:47am

Owned by Ignatius Collins and Adam Griffin, both of the State of Maine on Earth, The company mines and processes minerals ranging from dilithium, to latinum, to hydrogen, to helium-3 and many others. The two owner-partners split between them the specialties--Collins is primarily an asteroid miner and geologist, while Griffin oversees the gaseous collections side of the business. Griffin does the bean counting; Collins does the networking and negotiating.

Collins' Edward-class ship, the Nameless Grace, is docked at Starbase 109, level 170, bay 99. It can house a crew of 100 on six decks. More cargo bays can be added as needed. The ship currently is comprised of ten bays, each of which can hold a chunk of asteroid in clamps for transit.

Though this class of ship is not ordinarily outfitted with weapons, the Nameless Grace does have a suite of weapons, thanks to the generosity of Pubert Addams, who is now an investor in the company, with shares owned by Darkness Holdings, Inc.

CGMV's corporate executive offices are located on the 10th floor of Spock Tower near Tivoli Gardens. The 'working office,' where miners and other staff are trained and report to when not mining, are located on Deck 100, close to the starbase's docking bay.