Exo Comps Notes

Created by on Tue 4th May, 2021 @ 12:05am

(Susan) I think it's fine to leave it, or put it in the Wiki with other such posts. Denouement will end in another week, but it doesn't matter, because we don't have a definite end/beginning. We keep going with a new name, because this isn't a ship that goes out on missions. It's a city that lives forward all the time. =)

Although we posted the initial post, I may leave this here for a while because the docking of the bots will come during Denouement. If you don't think we need this any more, it can be deleted by either of you, or you can edit it to save only what you think we still need.


Location: Brown Sector

Timeline: several


Breakdown of plot elements and clues:

Story: The Exo's are afraid of being mistreated so they escape from Harrisons cargo hold on the Starbase. Harrison possibly files a simple stolen item report, or is attacked by the previous owner. A ship is burglarized, also Cargo holds across the Starbase.

Meanwhile, Brown Sector has anomalies like repair work being done, and upgrades to systems occurring. The hunt brings Renato into it who deduces these are connected events. The game is afoot, dots connect, and we arrest Smuggler 2 for coming to find Peggy who was being naughty and holding onto the data, #2 didn't think she was anything more than a tool and saved all his data. The data can be about trafficking people or animals or something, so she saves lives with this action, Peggy is a hero.

If this works I'm ready to go! -Austen

(S) It works. I haven't checked yet if there is a post going with Mike being Harrington, that would come before this? I'll add Torrog in, if he's needed later, but for now, I'm going to work with Elizabeth. I've started one beginning, but if you don't like it, we can scrap it and start a different one. I was thinking maybe he (Kainon) was coming to question her about rumors he was hearing about repairs mysteriously being done. He knows she had trouble initially with her air conditioning unit.

(Chantal) It works for me! Some comments:
* Depending on date, I'll volunteer Ignatius' mining ship to be ransacked
* Hm! I wonder how likely Damion/Corin is to know about exocomps?
* It'll be amusing if any of them show up at Elizabeth's place and repair something. Corin will want to hire them.
* Send them down to Neone's apartment! She could use some free repairs.

(Susan) *Definitely, they're repairing Elizabeth's air conditioning in her Brown Sector office!

*I think they should also definitely be involved with something in Neone's apartment - that smell! Ugh! That would be an interesting post, especially if she came home and caught them. She's good at keeping secrets. Or she would also write a great post ramping up the mystery of things getting fixed, if she didn't catch them.

*Maybe Corin would know something about the exo-comps, but never have met one, and they aren't in his front memory as rumors circulate, but he'd be a good one to interact with them.

*Ship? Yes, that might be a workable option. Consult with Austen to see if dates can be worked out?

(Austen) *Thanks for the tribute ship! Harrison looks to be the person who brings them to SB109. Should we make that post prior to this one? have this current post be their first on the station?

(Susan) That is underway now. =)

*I'd be delighted to write them for anyone who wants them. These bots don't sleep, and smells don't phase them either. I've got a syntax/info page I'm working on for them.

(Susan) Excellent! Post it in the Wiki!

*Exo-Comps aren't classified, but Federation regards them suspiciously as AI, deny them recognition as sapient. Their capabilities compound with numbers but on their own, seen as a simple smart tool. These four work well together and pull off high level intelligence feats, definitely sapient, it would be a surprise to most I think.

(Susan) I foresee Ischemia getting involved in a case with the Federation!

(Chantal) I'm all for that. :)


Hey, to accelerate the timeline a skotch can we say that:

The Exo-Comps love the home life, but are bored and under utilized on the ship. Jaren snatches Peggy and tries to pry the plate open to rip the other cores out but it was welded closed or something. Peggy is rescued by the other three and Jason/Mirau but need to dock for repairs at SB109. I'll start a post with them being bored, then seeing action with Jaren, or rather Jaren's IT security department.

As a future planning thing, The bots help repair Jason's ship and get an immediate reputation on the station. Since the bots would never be bored on SB109 they are told they can live there and earn income and whenever Jason's ship comes to berth they are waiting like eager puppies at the airlock. They will wanna go out occasionally or be useful in an operation to get them off station. It'd be cute if they just rush inside and repair everything for free, run around like dogs with zoomies.

We can have Jaren return down the road for the crossover with Renato as they figure out his obsession with Peggy's memory cores. Maybe he takes an oil bath with Zombie, idk, we will see.

"Only if you want to get deep-fried like an Earth turkey!" says Mozatholm. "Do you go well with cranberry sauce?" Or is that Jaren we're talking about?

(A) Lol, Let's see how far Jaren pushes the bots, things could get dark and those bots wouldn't shed a tear.


(A) So for the bots to get to SB109... We have them on Jason's ship, hyper active but happy. I didn't like Jaren so he can die and someone worse comes after Peggy. Super simple version, Peggy's other three computer cores contain quantum mirror images of the data Jaren stored on the one he pull out. Like Thanos going after Vision, this new threat could attack the ship, kidnap or try to take Peggy? Afterwards they get to SB109 for repairs, the bots end up staying there for protection and to keep the crew of Jasons ship from getting further attacks? Or could Peggy use the data as blackmail once they realize what the enemy is coming after?

(S) I'm okay with all of that, but let's see how we work out the current negotiation. It's proving interesting. I'll add you all to the post we're working on, so you can see what's happening, even though there's no part in it for you yet. I think this story line is going to take several sharp turns and surprise us all, so hang in there until one of your characters comes on stage. =)

(C) Oh, that's why I was included. Good post, and the plot sounds like fun! Fine by me. :)