Business as Usual

Created by on Tue 4th May, 2021 @ 12:00am

Hello, all! For those players new to Starbase 109, this post is where we store the mission timeline in terms of mission days.

We are not yet all that great at coordinating time between the current and previous missions. You'd think that would be a simple thing, but it's not. This is because mission time happens a lot faster than real time. For example, we once had a mission consisting of about 25 days in-story. In real life, we had gone from Christmas of one year to Halloween of the next. However, within the mission we try to keep it as accurate as possible. So, the time period between last mission and this current one is a timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly thing. Don't even try to reconcile it; that will give you migraines--unless you have figured out a really good, smooth way to reconcile them, and then please share your wisdom with us!

Right now, I am just entering posts with whatever mission dates they were given in-post. If you organized the post, please do come by here and make whatever timeline corrections might be needed in terms of where your activity happens in relation to other posts. Our goal is to give each post a specific date, whether that is before or after MD-1. Any posts marked as UNDATED are listed in the 'Before Mission Start' section but may have their dates changed to sometime during the mission.

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Mission: Business Not at All as Usual

(Before mission start date)
MD -56: A New Home, Part 1 - Sgt. Paul Reilly and Kendra Lincoln meet on the passenger freighter Ticonderoga en route to Starbase 109.
MD -56: A New Home, Part 2 Reilly and Lincoln have dinner together.
MD -22: The Valiant and the Vanquished, Part 2 - In which Lt. Elliot Jericho gets to have his cake and eat it, too!
MD -22: Meeting Commander Zed - Elliot and the prototype shuttle arrive on Thunder Child.
MD -21: The Recruit Shanna O'Dell is sent on a mission to locate the Jerichos and the Prototype shuttle.
MD -21: Elliot's Physical - Elliot Jericho is in perfect health--and shouldn't be.
MD -21: The Debriefing - Commander Zed debriefs Elliot Jericho onboard Thunder Child.
MD -9: Disturbing the Peace - Purulence Addams shows the 'police sketch' she drew of Adrian Dobbs to her sister Ischemia.
MD -8: The Eye and the Mind - Purulence Addams presents her 'police sketch' to Lt. Ildaran.
MD -7: Never Wear a Costume to an Arrest - Serena Alia and Andrew Eberstark get "tricked" on Halloween night.
MD -6, 0735: Zelda's Good-Bye Zelda Alegari departs with members of the Addams family from Starbase 109.
UNDATED: The Rescue, Part 2 - Kiara Lena and Dallas Briggs sort out their relationship as Dallas recovers from injuries sustained while fighting the Vulcan assassin.
UNDATED: I Hope You'll Have Me - Hannah Sawyer interviews with Baro Alora to become Assistant Chief of Operations.
UNDATED: The Great Unknown - Veterinarian Kidan Mallaya opens his Lighthouse Animal Clinic on Starbase 109.
UNDATED: Easy Come... Javir Bonaventura (Bo) makes a sale of some goods to a merchant in Brown Sector.
UNDATED: ...Easy Go - Annnd, after Sheriff Li steps in, Bo's profit is much diminished.
UNDATED: A Night at the Spa - Maiek s'Ethien has prepared a special evening for Mary Elizabeth Gregory at the Varuna Spa.
UNDATED: A Night at the Spa, 2 - A proposal is given and accepted!
UNDATED: Hero Stuff - The end of Jaren. Not for the weak of stomach.
UNDATED: Greasing the Skids - Someone claiming to be Dr. Yuliette Marayan's half-brother is looking for her on Rho Saro.
UDATED: Catching Breaks Yuliette has money to spend.
UNDATED: Reading the Signs - Yuliette is getting closer and closer to being discovered.
UNDATED: Sit a While - Makila joins her grandmother for a talk.
UNDATED: Buying Power - Yuliette learns to haggle.

(Mission Start)

0900: Business Tricks, Part 2 - Aboard the Conundrum, Sorra Yarime shows off his weapons stash to his new security staff on the way to pick up some trade goods.
1230: Business Tricks, Part 3 - The trap to kidnap Sorra Yarime is sprung.
1230: Business Tricks, Part 4 - Yari and S'lani take an unexpected trip at warp with a dead Orion onboard.
1230: Business Tricks, Part 5 - Yari and S'lani escape in a pod, and the Conundrum's crew must find them.
1235: Honest Business - Miarau Merel and the Exo-Comps work out their professional relationship.
1315: Contractual Obligations, Part 1 - Miarau Merel and the Exo-Comps continue their contract negotiations.
1400: Contractual Obligations, Part 2 - The Exo-Comps and Mia come to an agreement reegarding their work contract.
1700: Retired and Loving It - Some retirees on Starbase 109 like to play Dungeons & Dragons. 1845: In Regeneratione (Rebirth), Part 1 - Adm. Nechayev gives Isabella Perry a new mission assignment.
1922: Second Order of Business - Sipov Boros, Tieran th'Elex, and Jade Lantz discuss business and finding work.
1930: Measure of Life - Mia Merel and Jason Harrington discuss the Exo-Comps.
1958: Final Business - Sipov, Tieran, and Jade sort out business dealings among themselves.
2020: Final Business Plus - Tieran and Sipov work out the details of how an entrepreneur can start over.

0830: In Regeneratione (Rebirth), Part 2 - Isabella Perry makes her case to Adm. Nechayev for a Dark Knight-class starship to be used for her current mission assignment.
0900: Ambush! - Special Agent Daisy Pantoufle makes an offer to Damion Ildaran.
1000: Short Straw Botanist Claire Minelan discovers some problems with the hydroponics bay, including an unknown infestation.
1820: Out of Sickbay and on the Couch, Part 1 - Aboard the IKS Amar, Dallas Briggs is finally allowed out of Sickbay.
1825: Out of Sickbay and on the Couch, Part 2 - Kiara Lena offers Dallas a comfortable place to lay his head.
1830: The Gathering I - After the tour of Thunder Child, Commander Zed and her diplomatic guests arrive at the ship's main lounge for a buffet dinner.
1845: The Gathering II - Aboard Thunder Child, the diplomatic reception continues with lively conversation among Commander Zed, ambassadors T'vala and Iril, and their various staff.
1900: Lay of the Land, Part 3 - Sipov Boros meets Renato Solis, and they take each other's measure.
1920: Lay of the Land Part 4 - Renato explains Starbase 109's recent history to Sipov.
1930: Lay of the Land Part 5 - Nice, meaty discussion between Renato and Sipov covering addiction, recovery, rising from the bottom, and who really makes this starbase function, anyway.
1940: Lay of the Land Part 6 - Sipov and Renato's conversation draws to a close.
2315: Love Without Profit - Aradia visits Jade Lantz in Orchids & Jazz, fishing for information about Dr. Chlamydia Addams.

1105: Navis Aedificationem (Ship-Building) - Isabella Perry shows her brother, Henry, the plans for the Dark Knight ship.
1328: True Confessions - Riko McCord shows Henry Perry a piece of cloak detection technology she invented--but dare she make it public?
1424: The Mediaries, Part 1 - Commander Zed and Ambassadors T'Vala and Iril prepare to beam down to Helicon III.
1449: The Mediaries, Part 2 - The diplomatic delegation meets the neutral party in the dispute on Helicon III.
1700: Spending on a Relationship - Damion Ildaran discusses with Dr. Elizabeth Anderson the job offer extended to him by Special Agent Daisy Pantoufle of SCIS.
1720: Spending on a Relationship II - Damion's and Elizabeth's discussion about a change in work duties continues.
1745: Spending on a Relationship III - Damion and Elizabeth speak honestly about what they feel for each other.
2200: LOG: Dancing Around the Subject - Damion writes a log entry about his talk with Elizabeth earlier that evening. He's looking to get out of long-duration field work.
2312: Breaking Ground - Sipov meets with Ignatius Collins and gets himself a job.

0800: Just Another Daily Briefing - Ming Wah, acting security chief, conducts the daily morning briefing with the beat officers of the Security Department.
0900: Aliam Gratiam (Another Favor), Part One - Isabella Perry goes to see her brother, Henry, about some combadges.
0900: Recruiting Sororibus (Recruiting the Sisters) - Isabella Perry and Riko McCord visit the Besm embassy in hopes of recruiting the Winter sisters for Isabella's mission.
Sociis (Partners) - Isabella Perry and Riko McCord make plans for their new mission partnership.
1000: Did You Say, Ship? Part 1 - Sipov works out a deal for his own ship.
1020: Did You Say, Ship? Part 2 - Sipov tours the ship he'd like to buy.
1035: Did You Say, Ship? Part 3 - Sipov likes the ship he's touring a lot.
1055: Mark that Ship Sold! - Sipov has a cargo ship!
1445: The Milli-Cochrane Caper (Act 2.5) - Reon Velasquez and Kya Adtani decide upon an outing while Renato Solis and Paul Graves submit a report to Security about the strange sightings in and near Brown Sector.
1500: The Milli-Cochrane Caper (Act 2.5a) - Kya and Reon have a frightening encounter with an apparition, while Renato and Paul Graves arrange a meeting with Security staff.
1600: The Milli-Cochrane Caper (Act 3) - A meeting of Security staff with Renato Solis and Paul Graves.
1800: The Milli-Cochrane Caper (Act 3.1) - A search ensures for Theophilus Boule in Brown Sector. The residents are Not Pleased.

1000: Informational Interview - Damion Ildaran visits Special Agent Pantoufle to learn more about the potential liaison officer position.
1115: Song Lasr ex Puzzle (Last Piece of the Puzzle) - Isabella Perry discusses with Jade Lantz the idea of hiring one of Jade's humaniforms for her mission.

MD-6 1018: Reunions - Elliot and Meghan Jericho are at last reunited.
1230: Special Request - The Jerichos transfer to Starbase 109.
1230: Lower Decks: Prologue - An introduction to several enlisted personnel serving on Starbase 109. Shenanigans might ensue! Or at least a poker game.
1240: Lower Decks, Part 1 - Enlisted personnel are moving into the lower decks and getting acquainted. Or working.
1300: Lower Decks: Checking Out the Starbase - Enlisted personnel Briga and Walker decide to explore life outside their quarters.
1350: Lower Decks: It's Not Exactly the Promenade, But... - Emmie and Eslin go out to lunch and discover they have a common interest.
1800: Aliam Gratiam (Another Favor) Part Two - Henry Perry comes through with some com-bracelets for Isabella that don't scream Starfleet.
2200: A Man and His Dog - CPO Sam Barbee and his dog Bodi share a companionable evening together. (Time is approximate.)

0930: Ship Tour - Riko and Isabella tour the new ship.

1300: Stagnation Breeds Boredom - Larry Kersenboom's gaming plans for the week have been derailed. What's a retired guy to do?
1400: Heart and Soul - Part 1 - The Holographic management system is installed on Sipov's ship, the S.S. Torin
1620: Heart and Soul - Part 2 - Sipov gets to "meet" his new system

1205: The Semblance of the Thing - Dr. Addams, Experiment Number Six, and Damion Ildaran eat lunch together. Conversation turns to fishwrappers and mysterious strangers.

0800: The Problem You'll Solve - Durant Repair Services closes its doors.
0900: Long-Distance Partnership - Ignatius Collins talks with his business partner and friend, Adam, about how development of the SB-109 branch of their company is coming along.
2000: Screening and Selection - Ignatius and Purulence work through the stack of job applications that Ignatius has received for pilot, and Purulence makes a decision about her future.
2330: LOG: A Purulent Journal: 040423.95 Entry - Purulence Addams codifies her thoughts about life and her future plans to start an HR consulting business.

Categories: Mission Timelines