Tavaka Star System

Created by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sun 10th Jan, 2021 @ 8:16am

Author's Notes

The core idea for this culture comes from Issac Asimov's short story, "Nightfall," but without the Night when everyone goes crazy. Tavaka is a quintuple star system comprised of two sets of binary stars and a solitary fifth star. The Tavaka system is 250 light-years distant from Earth. From an Earth POV, it is located in the constellation Ursa Major.

Tavaka's main religion is devoted to service to the Five Gods of Light, who eternally struggle against but inevitably succumb to the forces of Night, only to regroup and triumph again in an endless cycle.

When one of the Tavakan suns became gravitationally unstable and began emitting solar flares, many Tavakans saw this as a sacred and holy event, signaling a golden age for their civilization. When Starfleet ships came to the world and volunteered to evacuate the population, only a handful of people understood or believed in the danger and chose to leave. Some of them were brought to Starbase 109 to live.

The basis for this star system

Categories: Federation Members