OOC: Criminal Life in the Brown Sector

Created by on Fri 2nd Oct, 2020 @ 5:25am

OOC: Austen- Hey, I wanted to start Renato on some cases. and I had some ideas about long term arcs.

So what Criminal enterprises are ongoing in Brown Sector? I'd imagine petty thefts, gang stuff, the odd murder or accidental death, missing persons, PI work is easy enough. I'll do a post with Renato and Moz chasing clues on a standalone caper lolol

Orion Syndicate- Anything ongoing on this or can we create something?

Black market trading- Any posts about black market I can read up on?

Oblivion- I'm still reading up but I think I can get started on something. Could Oblivion and the denizens there be developed and its connections to Brown Sector part of what Renato helps uncover?

Starfleet stuff- Once Renato's talents get out, how can he help Starfleet? He has addiction issues, but his work with Paul has brought him back to his highly functional self. He wouldn't get a badge or a gun, but possibly tag along on investigations like a cop show consultant?

Section 31/Special OPS stuff- Renato has his background in Operations, he knows stuff, and could be involved with spy stuff coming through Brown Sector.

(Chantal) Austen--The Andorian guy who Mozatholm tells Renato about in "Down the Hallway" is someone I imagine to be involved with the disappearances. He will tie into the Alegari plot and to something upcoming with Yuliette. An added bonus--If Yuliette messes with one of the guy's antennae, that will incapacitate him. He is a crewmember of a ship called the Diamond Drill, whose captain is an Aenar named Cheh'veress.

As for other criminal stuff--Yes, I imagine it is primarily petty theft, gang activity, the occasional murder. I haven't given much thought yet to the Orion Syndicate or to more organized criminal groups. I'm sure there's some smuggling that goes on, too.

Special Ops--Damion--I mean Corin--has gone to the Refugee Center to meet with Renato. That could be a good way for the two of them to take each others' measure. From there, Damion might recommend Renato to Andrus Grax in the Intelligence Department.

Black market trading--Someone has been smuggling remat detonators through 109. Perhaps there's a necessary clue in Brown Sector that Damion isn't aware of?

New Post in progress- We have mad science now too. "Milli-cochrane caper"

(Susan) I think we need to leave Oblivion alone - the guy who is involved in disappearances is about it, and is part of a much larger plot - handle that through Corin.

Everything else is fine, but let's not get too much organized crime on board - it is a Starfleet base, after all.

I think mostly petty stuff, and maybe some things, i.e. Orion syndicate, trying to get a foothold, but not succeeding well. feel free to foil their efforts. black market and petty smuggling, definitely! I guess think of this more as stuff that would run through Chicago or Phoenix or St. Louis, not Washington, D. C. or New York. Less spy, more crime.

Austen: Responses to a few things:

-Oblivion: I plan on being a foil for other characters to explore Oblivion through. Renato has only noticed its existence and is trying to find out more. He has a post with Commander Graves where we may just have Renato agree to take a back seat for now. We can ask Corin how he wants to develop things I don't wanna step on toes. It's just Renato would notice something if he has the talents we describe he has.

-Organized crime: I see it as a very large city, there are enough people and dark little corners for crime to occur, too much land area to cover it all, but big time crime is not possible because it is a military's base. Smuggling, corrupt officers on the take or being exploited can bring rough days but the Orion syndicate doesn't have a base, just a presence per se. However, off base, there is a much easier chance of organized crime having muscle to bear. Kya will find herself going to Bajor and getting kidnapped or something mwahahaha.

-Intelligence ops: If Renato/Exo-Comps can be involved in Intelligence ops, that could be helpful too!

-Reman detonator plot- I'm eager to start this one!

(Susan) There is room for about a quarter million people on the base, but we only have about 200,000 right now. Probably ... 5,000 are in Brown Sector/Zodiac? I'm guessing. There are minor crimes going on at various levels, but no major crimes because, as you said, it's a military base. We have plenty of room for people to TRY criminal activity, but not a lot of room for them to succeed on a very large scale. Smuggling is the main one, black market, spying for pirates, and for non-Federation species, a few murders here and there, and other creative mayhem. =)

After the Exo-Comps are firmly embedded in the base, they could be very useful to Intelligence, so plan that with those in the intelligence department at that point. =)

So the next Bots post should be when they dock in SB109's docking bay? Is Harrington going to dock inside? I can see posts with both Torrog (Ferengi) and Riko McCord (Starfleet) right now.