OOC: Resolution Plot Conversation

Created by on Fri 2nd Oct, 2020 @ 4:25am

Mission: Resolution

Title: OOC: Plot Conversation


(Susan) 7-11-20:

Adding Austen to conversation. Austen, this is kind of like your META posting, but we've deleted things that are resolved. For Austen, Nikki and Aaron, please read the information about Dobbs. It may or may not impact your story line. None of you would know about Dobbs in character, but I wondered if Aaron at least might discuss with someone - Damion? Austen? Radak? - disappearances in the past that have kept bugging him, like unsolved cases will. Although it has been some time since Dobbs was on the station itself, he is still active and bears a part in this story until we uncover and arrest him in Oblivion.

(Chantal) Hm! That could be interesting--especially if people are still disappearing. Maybe fewer than before, but still ....

Oblivion is a category in LCARs, if anyone needs a reminder. The information about Dobbs should probably be added there, too, Jenny.

(Austen) Renato is a Sherlock style investigator and deeply connected within Brown, maybe Oblivion as well? He could be a resource for these plots.
(JL) Is there anything else I'm forgetting, which is hanging fire?

(Susan) Daggerbeard post? The family story can hang on until the Addamses are ready to go home, and take a guest with them, wrapping up two plot points. I'm thinking we need some more family interaction. We missed Halloween, but would you be up for an Addams Family Bony Voyage party?

(Chantal) *snicker* I'm up for that.

(Chantal) Is that just Pubert and Gloriana departing with Cookie and family friend, or is the idea to have Ischemia, Purulence, and Ignatius depart, too? I'd like to keep Purulence and Ignatius on the station for a while longer--though, hm, they will have to go home for the wedding--and then there's the honeymoon. I'll have to think about that. I'd really like to have the wedding on 109, but that would be terribly rude to Ignatius' family ... and some of them are vampires and werewolves. :D Maybe an after-wedding reception.

(Jenny) That's for you and Susan to decide. I would never presume to dictate your character choices, though I do know that Chlamydia will feel the emptiness of the house without the Family around her.

(Susan) Ischemia isn't going anywhere for a while. She's on sabbatical from Starfleet diplomacy, and thinking of making it permanent.

(Jenny) Who knows what?

At this point, I believe most, if not all, of the people who know that Dobbs might be involved know because of a need-to-know disclosure by Chlamydia. Some relevant posts:

Jasmine Collins-Keller certainly knows, though she figured it out through other channels when it was happening.

Doctors Dhuro, Collins-Keller, and Addams discuss the structure of Zelda's ring, and who might be responsible.

Doctors Dhuro and Addams discuss who might have created the nanites from the 'chamber of horrors'.

TL;DR = Before the Dominion War, a starship physician named Ryota MacDougall was looking for ways to counteract Borg nanites. When his wife was infected, MacDougall applied his prototype and took her away, intending to return if the prototype was effective. They were never seen again. A few years later, Adrian Dobbs created the 'chamber of horrors' in an attempt to create Federation-loyal Borg-type drones to fight against the Dominion. The nanites used were a development of MacDougall's. There is a short list of those the Sci / Med staff believe would be capable of carrying on the work -- MacDougall, his wife, Dobbs, and a Class-A war criminal named Dr. Holly Day, formerly of the Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies.

(Iain) - Thanks Jenny! As someone who wasn't around during the original mission, this is a really helpful summary! :)

(Christina) Awesome I did not know all this :). I am up for whatever posts people would like. :)

(Austen) Hi Everyone! I'm still observing and getting the lay of the land. Glad to be here! There was talk above about a storyline involving Oblivion, my PC could have connections there for sure if needed, he has been all over and living in Brown for some time. Dissapearances would be a cool story to follow. I wanted to get him involved with a serial killer arc or assisting an investigation since he is a Sherlock style detective. I've also created NPC character that are exocomps if those are useful to the story about Dobbs here.

(Chantal): Hi, Austen--I think having disappearances from Brown Sector makes good sense. It is consistent with Dobbs' callous attitude toward his test subjects. I think most of the disappearances will have taken place during the Dominion War, when Dobbs' was stationed at 109. But now that he is at Oblivion, he is a free agent who might very well regard the residents of Brown Sector as people who no one will miss. It's something to consider.

(nikki) :: raises hand quietly :: um... So I might have some hooks that can be diverted to this plot..... Yuliette's neighbor says that the last few tenants before her didn't stay very long. Yuliette chalks it up to the nature of the apartment being gross. But if this is where her landlord puts up undocumented folks, and some enterprising person with dark agendas figured that out....

Also— nevermind. That's it ::puts the other cards back up her sleeve and smirks::

(Chantal): I do like that idea, by the way.

(Chantal): I so would not want to do that to Yuliette! (But the Evil Author part of me thinks, "But if all the characters were my personal chess pieces, that would be a great way to lend urgency and stakes to the plot and light a fire under it.") I'm going to go dunk the Evil Author in a horse trough now. Excuse me while I rescue the feng shui of my Sunday.

(nikki) I'm willing to write damsels in distress as long as I can sub plot some character agency within it- say locating/ helping others or getting some other needed story device or information from the inside of a bad situation, or getting a call for help out against all odds othewise. Also, as long as it doesn't drag on for months OOC. You don't have to feel bad. If I was in a rap battle, writer and tormentor would totally be a valid rhyme.

(Chantal): Agreed. If we do this, Yuliette definitely must have agency. However, consider that this villain is so awful that a woman's mind split into four personalities at least in part because of what Dobbs did to her. :P (Oh, geeze! And now, the Evil Author is saying, "And think how this could improve relations between Brown Sector and Starfleet if Starfleet drops everything it's doing, to head out to Oblivion to rescue Neone." Go away, Evil Author, you vile temptress!

(Jenny): Relevant post link: (http://sb109.thetafleet.net/index.php/sim/viewpost/1422 )

(nikki) creepifyin' and that connects a lot of dots with where I joined in and started reading. She wouldn't be useful as any kind of agent controller and there's nothing much to her for use as a soldier. And she has no close personal bonds. (if Dobbs is still working on that project. I'm sure he has others. he seems prolific in his field) We also don't have to have Yuliette/ Neone delivered. I don't imagine Dobbs is doing his own subject collecting. She can manage an escape during delivery. Also, if we don't want to take her out to Oblivion at all and just give the story a link, she can simply tell Renato that she suspects some people in her apartment before her went missing and leave it at that (I've already dropped a few hints and I have others I can uses for emphasis). Or some thugs can make an attempt on her, and get overtaken before they manage to smuggle her out of brown sector, and confess to the sheriff who they're making delivery to. We can do as little or as much with it as you want!

(Austen) I was thinking Renato would get little pieces of these stories like you mentioned, her quarters, and over enough posts we will decide when he has enough to make a full case out of the pieces. He will ask odd questions here and there to build the case without suspicion and probably take it to Li or Paul when he has evidence. He can literally do a whole post where he end of the episode style summarizes the case to date as exposition for readers lolol.

(nikki) Okay, so between Peldor Joi- MD14- and at least MD22, we'll be building relationships and doing plot set up in Brown sector. Yuliette will become a regular at Renato's soup kitchen.

(Ruth) I'm confused. Is Elizabeth Anderson a General Practitioner or a Counselor?

(Chantal) Elizabeth is working as a counselor right now, but she is a fully qualified MD.

(Ruth) I see. I don't know why I had in my head something different.

I just saw this on FNS: Galactic Bake-Off Maybe, next mission, we should institute a starbase-wide one? Morva is rubbing her hands together with glee.

The Exo Comps will try to make Muffins. Shenanigans. - Austen

:D I love it! Shenanigans rock!

(Susan) I think that's a great idea! I love snatching plots from their headlines. That's how Tetraball came to us, and the riots over Cardassian trials, and other things. =)