Masonic Lodge Building, Deck 586

Created by Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 20th May, 2020 @ 5:35am

The Lodge building is a two-story, 10,000 square-foot structure built on the lowest deck of the Promenade. It is designed to be a multi-functional complex, with holographic settings suitable for a multitude of Terran fraternal organizations in two separate ritual spaces. The building boasts a sizable dining room and commercial-quality kitchen, a library, numerous conference rooms and offices, storage rooms, and a labyrinth in the side garden. Lodge and Chapter meeting rooms are on the upper floor; the dining room, kitchen, and library are on the lower floor. Groups housed here:
* Vanguard Lodge #1, AF & AM
* Starlight Chapter #8063, OES
* Emissary Lodge #281 F & AM
* Vado Shrine of Arabia #723
* Triangle Commandery, Knights Templar
* York Rite and Scottish Rite Freemasons
* Sisterhood of Light Enclave #5

Freemasonry in the Federation

Terran Freemasonry accepts all adult males of good character, including transmen, who reside in a Grand Lodge's jurisdiction. Prince Hall Freemasonry is available for those men who want it for cultural reasons, but the General Grand Lodge of Earth accepts all males without regard to species differences, as long as they are of good character and believe in a supreme being. The Shriners accept men from Blue Lodges as well as Prince Hall Lodges.

Eastern Star members join through relationship with a mason, by membership as minors in the Order of the Rainbow, or by independent request, as masons may do. The Sisterhood of Light is a sororal group founded in the early 2200s by adherents of Co-Masonry (for both men and women), who wanted an all-female order.

The primary work of the fraternal organizations on Starbase 109 is to support the Shriners' Pediatric Hospital on Deck 1000 and other charities as each organization desires.

Categories: Promenade