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Sun 1st Mar, 2015 @ 2:52am

Lieutenant Samantha Leyton

Name Samantha Lee Leyton

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 142
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Athletic build, shoulder-length dark brown hair.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Jacob Leyton--Deceased
Mother Amy Leyton--Deceased
Brother(s) Kyle Leyton--Deceased
Tom Leyton--Deceased
Sister(s) Jessica Leyton--Deceased
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Samantha is lonely but outward remains strong and
tends to keep others from getting too close personally. Willingly
takes risks to accomplish the mission at the risk of her own life.
Strengths & Weaknesses Excellent marksman and hand to hand combatant.

Hates Transporters--near phobia.
Ambitions To forget her past and try to move on with her new future.
Hobbies & Interests Working out, kickboxing, archery, interest in history.

Personal History Samantha was born to Jacob and Amy Leyton. She grew up loving the
beach. She was the middle child of four children (one younger sister
and two older brothers), with whom she had a constant rivalry with,
especially sports. Samantha was a very adept basketball and track and
field athlete during grade and high school. This often caused teachers
to overlook her not so good grades, which her parents were not too
proud of, especially her mother, who was a starfleet doctor.

Her father was a MACO Captain. Samantha tended to get along more with
her father than her mother. As she graduated high school, she felt her
life could only go one way and enlisted into the MACO in 2143. After
three months of training, Samantha was assigned to the 24th MACO Unit
based at Atlanta, GA. She stayed there until 2150 when she was
assigned as an instuctor at the Janus Loop Training Facility. In 2156,
war broke out between the United Earth Government and the Romulan
Empire and Samantha was reassigned to the 2nd MACO Detachment aboard
the USS Challenger. While assigned to the USS Challenger, Samantha's
unit was often sent to intercept and attempt to capture ship drones
used by the Romulans. After two failed attempts due to a self
destruction system, Samantha's unit was successful on the third try,
disabling the self-destruct system before it could detonate. The
United Earth Force studied the captured drone ship intensively and six
months later, Samantha and her unit were ordered to use the drone ship
to infiltrate Romulan space. Fearing that sending the entire unit was
too risky, Samantha and Corporal Ryan Marston were ordered to pilot
the ship. The hull plating of the ship made registering life signs
impossible. Samantha and Corporal Marston piloted the ship into a
Romulan supply outpost, destroying it and escaping through the
emergency hatch built into the ship by Earth before the ship rammed
into the station. After several hours of being spaceborne, the two
were picked up by the SS Enlightenment, a Vulcan mining freighter
working secretly for the Vulcan High Command and United Earth
Government. The two MACO Grunts were awarded for their successful
attack on the Romulan Supply Outpost, being promoted to Staff Sergeant
and Marston being promoted to Sergeant upon being reassigned back to
the USS Challenger. After two years of serving together, Leyton and
Marston grew close and in 2159, the two were assigned to another
mission. This time, Starfleet wanted to capture a romulan vessel and
find out more about the Romulans and their technology. A squad of the
Challenger's MACO troops were sent to try and capture the IRW Shadow,
a Romulan Bird of Prey Class Vessel. The IRW Shadow was last reported
disappearing into a temporal rift caused by its weapons systems
overloading, destabilizing its core. 225 years later, the IRW Shadow
emerged from the temporal rift. The drifting hull of the Shadow was
intercepted by the USS Saratoga. The crew of the Saratoga found a
badly wounded Leyton and Marston as the only survivors. However
Marston soon passed away due to the severity of his injuries.

Leyton however, survived. Feeling lost, alone, and suffering from
Survivor's Guilt in this alien and vastly larger time, Leyton turned
to the Starfleet Security, to which she felt the most familiarity
with. Upon completing training of learning to use modern technology,
Starfleet felt Leyton's experience in MACO and combat experience would
be of great use, they commissioned Leyton as a Lieutenant JG and
assgned her to the Cerberus Station as Chief of Security. Soon the
base was slated for closing and Starfleet reassigned Leyton to the USS
Service Record 2143 Enlisted - Basic Training, MACO, Earth

2143 Assigned - 24th MACO Unit, Atlanta, GA, Earth

2150 Assigned - Janus Loop Training Facility

2156 Assigned - 2nd MACO Detachment, USS Challenger, MACO Trooper

2159 Assigned - Temporal Incident-MIA

2385- Commissioned.

2386- 2386 - Chief of Security - Cerebrus Station

2386-2387 - Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical - USS Callisto