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Wed 31st Dec, 2014 @ 11:23pm

Lieutenant Donald Corsino

Name Donald Corsino

Position Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 12"
Weight 130 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Donald is medium in most standards. He is not tall, but he is not short either. He is thin, but not lanky. He is fit, but not a muscle head. His hair is almost random from day to day. He wears a beard most days but keeps it neat and trimmed.


Spouse Mira
Father Alexander
Mother Sarah
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Several aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Donald is a study for a psychologist. He is serious and all business on duty, but off duty he is like a big kid. He is not afraid to laugh and socialize with the other crew. He denies it, but he has a reputation of being a card sharp and has been known to run the occasional poker game with the other junior officers.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

+ Makes friends easily
+ Strives to be excellent at his duties
+ Quick thinker under pressure


- Very stubborn when he thinks he's right
- Suffers from ADHD and sometimes it makes him distractable.
- Has a very low tolerance for people he considers ignorant.
Ambitions He seeks the same thing as any career officer. He strives to be good as his job and to earn his way into a position of leadership. Whether it be a ship of his own, or something else.
Hobbies & Interests He loves to read. He keeps a library of books on a PADD that is almost always in his hand. When he's not reading a report, he paging through on of the many books. He enjoys music and is trying to teach himself to play the guitar.

Personal History Donald grew up in a loving home. His childhood was spent mostly with his paternal grandfather. They would spend hours, some times days, playing chess and other strategy based games.

His father was a teacher at a local secondary school, teaching history and social sciences.

His mother was a doctor at a local clinic. She specialized in children and infants.

His schooling was very traditional, except that his Father made a concerted effort to make sure that he made high marks and kept up with his studies.

He joined Starfleet Academy at the urging of his Grandfather.
Service Record 2391 - Present: Chief Strat/Ops, U.S.S. Vanguard
2386 - 2391 : Tactical Officer, U.S.S. Galifrey
2382 - 2386 : Tactical Officer, Starbase 42