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Sun 1st Mar, 2015 @ 2:52am

Major Landon Mabrade

Name Landon Mabrade

Position Senior Aerospace Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Danterian
Age 61

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft 3 in
Weight 225 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Mabrade is humanoid with a bronze (suntanned) skin tone and imposing at short of two meters in height does have an imposing stature. His race lives around 200 years he appears to be 31 in human years.

His eyes have been noted as piercing and he carries himself with an air of regal in his manners and always has a Dagger upon his side as ceremony dictates.


Spouse none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mabrade was born into a royal family and while no high up he has earned a title of an Earth equivilant of ‘Sir’ or “Knight.’ The Danarians are like Kligon in they have Honor and like his race prides himself on being prepared at all times.

He is also a personable man in manners and delegate in his words as duels have been known to break over words. He takes into account others but is strong willed; treats commands like a royal house and the command chain according to ranks. He follows orders and is able to rally his ‘troops’ and can be strict but very protective of his personnel.

He is a fervent Officer with dedication like a Klingon; serving Star Fleet is his purpose in life. He thinks for himself and always to better his command with ‘his word’ being not given lightly and always carried through. Other Command Officers have noted he follows orders as given; the more precise the less he interprets the ‘essence of the command directives.

Could seem brazen but his morals are in high regard to him; he is unfailing in his upholding of ideas. He also has followed Command Officers he did not ‘respect the person but always the rank.’

He is best if his respect is earned and then he will follow; but is known to bring up regulations if in question.

One note is while not claustrophobic his build does make him uneasy in jefferies tubes.
Strengths & Weaknesses Seige / Blockade tactics.
Artillery and Platform Weapon systems
Internal Security Tactics
Fighter deployment.

His one flaw is he is protective of women and in risks will try to keep them safer. He believes they are capable just a racial bias. He is fighting this Nature in Star Fleet.
Ambitions To have a Fighter Wing that no one dare oppose.
Hobbies & Interests He enjoys Horseback riding, Vintage Cars, motorcycles and small aircraft. He often portrays a character ' Doc' Savage on the Holodeck. He is an Artistic type to relax and enjoys women as companions.

He dabbles with creating his own wines and Beers; has perfected an exotic Ale he shares with friends.

He is also quite fit with a running; weightlifting and swimming regiment to stay fit but not bulky.

He has learned several "Blade Combats including the Bat'Leth.

Personal History The Family Mabrade have a long history as a house; Monarchs seem to fade while this family remains with well over a thousand years of history in them.

Landon is the Second son of the family as his Older Brother Eldon ran the family and had no ‘need’ of his little brother whom he often left at the castle while adventuring. This lead Landon to study both Blockade and siege tactics and how to deploy his limited forces to defend his home.

When thirteen in his test of manhood he was squired out and by sixteen had mastered the dagger and broadsword. His love of archery stood out and he rapidly began learning how to use them effectively from castle or field and also in conjunction with artillery.

Seeing a close shire building up for war Landon was quick to note their attempt at a merchant blockade of his Castle and challenged the Lord Prince to a duel as was the right. The two men fought for an hour before Landon was declared the victor. The Monarch offerde his youngest daughter to Landon and the insult was in his decline of the honor.

The loss of honor was exaggerated and The Family Madrade felt it best if Landon were to go on a long term Quest.

While a member of the federation Danteri is a part of the Federation Landon was given a Royal Edict to attend the Star Fleet Academy. Naturally he migrated to the Security with emphasis on Tactical officer. His dedication to duty and honor had high marks. Landon quickly learned modern artillery and platform weapons as well as ship mounted weapon tactics.

It was ten he took a love of Fighter craft; they were an asset he used when available to the maximum. He discovered Holodecks and became enamored with a character called Doc Savage, he took the time on the Holodeck to portray the man as a release.

The First bit he was assigned to an outpost as a STO for a stint and it was found he had a knack for Base Tactics. He quickly climbed through the chain of command and secured a Security Tactical Chief position on Star Base 30.

Taking the Defiant class vessel out on patrol on a regular basis supported by Fighters Landon became quite well versed in the ‘Darker Trade Lanes while protecting the star base. Several charges were lodged by Ferengi but nothing proven. The charges were meant to keep Landon off the Space Lanes and to show that star fleet was willing to listen Landon was not given authorization to take the ship on patrol. Yet he kept the fighters screened and as a Security Chief routed the patrol patterns accordingly. a

He sought transfer as he felt his honor was ‘too bound’ by the station and sought a new command. The Deputy Squadron commander of an Akira Class vessel was open and Landon readily accepted the assignment. The fighters became more use with the command as he found ‘new and unique’ ways to use them. On the Romulan boarder Fighters with proximity charges flushed out a cloaked vessel suspected of Pirate activity and the rumors that a price was on his head did not seem to phase him.