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Sat 8th Jun, 2013 @ 8:17am

Meryret Penre

Name Meryret Penre

Position Owner, Signs of the Prophets

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 145 lbs.
Hair Color Silver
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Meryret is a tall, very slender woman with straight hair falling to her mid-back that has gone prematurely gray with a silvery sheen to it. She dresses simply, in floor-length, long-sleeved robes or pantsuits and prefers the colors burgundy and brown.


Spouse Seten Radli (Dec'd)
Children None
Father Penre Tal
Mother Leryn Ethri
Brother(s) Penre Jolan
Sister(s) Penre Ishi

Personality & Traits

General Overview Meryret is deeply religious and believes that the Prophets exist not just for Bajorans but for everyone--so she sees her business as a ministry, in part. There is an irrepressible joy in her that enables her to endure through hardships and sadness.

In her daily life she is a reasonably shrewd businesswoman and sees it as her duty to teach others about the items she sells as much as it is to sell them. She's very knowledgeable and is the Bajoran equivalent of a Terran Catholic Tertiary.
Strengths & Weaknesses * Honest and tries to be honorable.
* Once she gets settled into a place, she does not like to leave. Coming to SB Vanguard was difficult for her. Returning to Bajor will be difficult, too.
* Keeps her shop neat and orderly, but her quarters are less so.
Ambitions In about twenty years, Meryret would like to retire from the business and begin the course of study required to become a full Bajoran priest.
Hobbies & Interests Sings/chants, does charity work. Likes to explore the station and likes to cook.

Personal History Born in Dekeen, Rakantha Province, on Bajor. Moved to SB Vanguard upon her marriage and stayed on to maintain the business after her husband's death two years into their marriage. She never remarried.
Service Record Has been running Signs of the Prophets for the last 15 years.