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Captain Valad Tavik

Name Valad Tavik

Position MAGEG Executive Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Vulcan
Age 65

Physical Appearance

Height 190cm
Weight 75 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Tavik stands well built. He has dark skin and inherited the signature Vulcan ears from his father.


Spouse Aeryn Tavik (Human, Deceased)
Children Aeyla
Father Tavik
Mother Misha Telrain (Deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Some Extended Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tavik struggles with logic. His entire life, Tavik has been stricken with an internal conflict between Vulcan logic and his human emotions. He has yet to find the proper balance.

Though he completed the Vulcan ritual of Kolinahr and has the ability to purge all emotions from his life, when he became a father, he found the lack of emotions illogical and instead chooses to channel his emotions rather than purge them.
Strengths & Weaknesses As an energy system specialist, Tavik spent much time honing his skills involving energy systems and creating new methods of using the systems.

As a marine, Tavik favors hand to hand combat, preferring to fight with a pair of fourteen inch blades.
Ambitions As a vulcan, Tavik has little room for ambition. He simply strives to do the best he can at every moment.
Hobbies & Interests Tavik often plays the game Kal-toh and avidly creates military scenarios on the holodeck. The latter is based on probability and has an increasing difficulty level that not only provides and enjoyable competition, but also trains exceptional well.

Personal History Tavik was born on Earth in 2324. He spent the first several years of his life in seclusion since his father believed that Valad was at a disadvantage in life due to him being half human. At an early age, Valad showed true intellectual promise, as much as the standard Vulcan, but when his emotions came into play, his father believed that as part human, Valad would be more subject to volatile emotions that he would not be able to control. Valad was torn, his father insisting he purge emotions from his life and his mother encouraging to make his own choice. After experiencing a certain range of his emotions, he chose to learn how to control his emotions to the point that he could experience them, but still maintain a logical self-discipline.

In 2336, Tavik entered the Vulcan Science Academy where he began to study Physics. During his four years, he was a very studious pupil, learning the basics of physics fairly quickly. Though he was half human, Valad chose not to give in to the ridicule that came from his classmates. He took the ridicule and channeled it into his studies, where he excelled greatly. He graduated in 2340 at the top of his class. He took a year to put his newfound skills into practice on Vulcan while he waited on his acceptance to Starfleet Academy, which was where he truly wanted to go.

In 2341, Tavik entered Starfleet Academy, where he studied Energy Systems and Warp Field Theory. In truth, it was more an extension of what he learned in the Science Academy, but he found it relatively useful in preparing for his Starfleet Career. He was a studious pupil, learning about proper Starfleet procedure. It was in his third year at the academy that he met his future spouse, Aeryn. She was a human tactical student. They quickly formed a close bond together, spending a great deal of time together. Near the end of their final year, they were married.

Tavik graduated in 2345, receiving his first assignment aboard the USS Archibald as a energy systems specialist. Though married, Tavik and Aeryn were made to live in separate junior officer quarters. The Archibald was a long range tactical explorer ship, a Miranda class vessel. In the first two years of the assignment, the Archibald was sent to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone. Thankfully, the worst skirmish they were involved in was against two Valdore Class Warbirds. The battle caused minor damage to the Archibald, but the knowledge and experience gained by the junior officers from the battle far outweighed the damage. As an energy systems specialist, Tavik was involved in much of the repair work. Based on his hard work and dedication, he was promoted to Lieutenant JG in 2347. The next year, he was elevated to one of the assistant chief engineer positions, the head of the energy system department, due to promotions and reassignments. At the time, he was the most qualified, and in the department, it made him third in line. In 2350, after more time and dedication, he was promoted to Liutenant.

In 2352, Tavik was reassigned to the USS Serenity, as her Assistant Chief Engineer. Aeryn went along with him becoming one of the Serenity's senior bridge Tactical officers. The Serenity's Chief Engineer was a rather elderly human Commander. He'd been within Starfleet for nearly fifty years, and offered Command several times, but as with many engineers, he just couldn't leave his engines. It did however come time for him to retire, and in 2354, he did so. Tavik served as acting Chief Engineer for six months until his Captain made him the official Chief. The Serenity, one of the new Galaxy class ships, was involved in several first contacts, as well as several serious conflicts with the Cardassians. In 2357, he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Two years later, Aeryn became pregnant and near the end of the year, entered into labor. By some unexplained medical complication, Aeryn died during childbirth. The child, a daughter whom was named Aeyla, was healthy and lived.

As a result of Aeryn's death in 2359, Tavik resigned his commission to raise his daughter. He raised her on Earth, Aeyla being more Human than Vulcan. He raised her, giving her all the opportunities she would need to garner a great career. As she grew, she gained a certain adept skill at weapons training. Tavik trained her to be a pilot and basic tactical officer. She showed promise and when she came of age, she applied for Starfleet Academy.

Taking the initiative once again, Tavik entered the Starfleet Marine Academy in 2377 at the same time Aeyla entered Starfleet Academy. Given his prior officer experience, Tavik was only required to complete basic marine training. Given his prior engineering experience, he became a demolition expert, though he also learned infiltration as a secondary concentration.

In 2379, Tavik graduated as was assigned to the USS Phoenix, as Bravo Team leader with the rank of 1st Lieutenant. The Phoenix was a Prometheus class vessel, set on a deep space assignment to Patrol the Romulan Neutral zone, a venue he was quite familiar with. Over the next several years, the Phoenix was involved in many confrontations with the Romulans. In 2380, he was elevated to Alpha Team Leader and Unit Executive Officer. In 2381, during a surprise attack by Romulan Warbirds, the Chief Engineer of the Phoenix was rendered unconscious and Tavik stood in for him in engineering. For his service, Tavik was promoted to Captain and he inherited the responsibilities of the Chief Engineer. He served in both capacities for a year before a new Chief Engineer was selected. He continued to assist in engineering often. In 2385, Tavik was promoted to Major.

In 2389, Tavik was transferred to Starbase Protector, as the new Marine Executive Officer.
Service Record 2336-Entered Vulcan Science Academy, Study: Theoretical Physics
2340-Graduated from Vulcan Science Academy
2341-Entered Starfleet Academy, Study: Energy Systems
2345-Graduated Starfleet Academy, Assigned to USS Archibald as a Energy Systems Specialist.

USS Archibald:
2347-Promoted to Lieutenant JG
2348-Elevated to Assistant Chief Engineer-Energy Systems
2350-Promoted to Lieutenant
2352-Transferred to USS Serenity, Assistant Chief Engineer

USS Serenity:
2354-Elevated to Chief Engineer
2357-Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
2359-Resigned his commission

2377- Entered Starfleet Marine Academy
2379-Graduated from Starfleet Marine Academy, Given commision as a 1st Lieutenant, Assigned to USS Phoenix, Bravo Team Leader
2380-Elevated to Alpha Team Leader and Unit Executive Officer
2381-Promoted to Captain, inherited duties as Chief Engineer
2385-Promoted to Major

2389-Reassigned to Starbase Protector, Marine Executive Officer