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Wed 1st Oct, 2014 @ 7:04am

William Lev

Name William Lev

Position Owner, The Perfect Fit

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 57

Physical Appearance

Height 186 Lbs
Weight 5'9
Hair Color Originally Black. Now decidedly, grey.
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description While the man was once the perfect example of a proper English Gentleman. Sadly many years of surgery, and Starship Command have wrinkled his face, and addled his legs.

He is frequently seen, now a days, in fine suits, usually of his own design, which look nothing at all, like the Starfleet outfits he had worn for nearly 40 years.


Spouse (Marine) Captain "Songfish" Nightingale(Engaged)
Children None
Father James Lev
Mother Lauraina Le Claire-Lev
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Jeanette Lev(Deceased, Battle of Wolf 359)

Personality & Traits

General Overview The man, in public, attempts to hold himself to the utmost standards of English Gentlemanly conduct. And he isn't much different out of public, either.

Even when dealing with people he isn't fond of, he is capable of manufacturing a believable fabrication of a warm, and friendly, personality.

He generally speaking, has a dislike of being addressed as a junior officer, though that's largely because he had, until recently, been a Starship Captain, for 13 years.

Service Record 2350-2356: Lieutenant Junior Grade, General Surgeon, USS Aescalpus

2356-2362: Lieutenant, Assistant Chief Medical Officer, USS Aescalpus

2362-2370: Lieutenant Commander, Chief Medical Officer, USS Aescalpus

2370-2376: Commander Executive Officer, USS Aescalpus
Promoted to Commanding Officer after the previous Commanding Officer's death during an unexpected Cardassian Skirmish.

2376-2389: Captain, Commanding Officer, USS Aescalpus

2389: RETIRED(Official record variant only)
(Unofficial Record variant: CLASSIFIED)