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Sat 2nd Mar, 2013 @ 7:58am

Captain Samantha Nixon

Name Samantha Nixon

Position Adjutant

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 150 lbs
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Samantha is a tall, slim, blonde haired woman. She is remarkably attractive and makes an attempt to stand out in her Marine uniform despite regulations. She has a warm, friendly demeanour and can often be found smiling, laughing and joking with anyone who enters her office.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Cheerful and personable, Samantha is an open book, happy to talk to anyone willing to listen, and can often be found deep in discussion with someone while working.

She is loyal, genuine and dependable, always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it and will strive to get work done, although she lacks self-confidence and her enthusiasm is easily knocked by set backs.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Friendly and approachable, Samantha gets on with almost everyone.
+ Loyal and dependable, she is always there to help, regardless of her mood.
- Suffers setbacks easily.
- Lacks self-confidence and has only made it to her rank due to ability and resourcefulness.
Ambitions Samantha enjoys her job, she does not see herself progressing any further in the Corps, and is happy in a senior administrative role.
Hobbies & Interests Often found in the mess or crew lounge, Samantha is a keen socialiser, always spending time with friends, exploring new bars, clubs, cafes and restaurants. She is ideally suited to colony or station life, enjoying a variety of venues and a large social circle.

Service Record [2379 - 2382] Bachelor of Arts; Human Resources Management

Starfleet Marine Corps
[2382 - 2382] Basic Training - Recruit
[2382 - 2382] Officer Candidate School - Officer Cadet
[2382 - 2384] Adjutant & Administration Officer Training - 2nd Lieutenant
[2384 - 2386] Administration & Personnel Officer, Marine Aviation Headquarters - 1st Lieutenant
[2386 - Pres] Adjutant, Marine Aviation Group 10 - Captain