Lieutenant Chortle

Name Chortle

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Pakled
Age 43

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 198 lbs
Hair Color Light brown with a receding hairline
Physical Description Frumpy, doughy, and pudgy are words used by others to describe Lieutenant Chortle. He is 5'9" in height and teeters in weight, but is approximately 200lbs. He has very thin light brown hair with a noticeable receding hairline and a large forehead. His eyes are dark and sometimes appear to be a lifeless void lacking the spark of emotion.


Personality & Traits

General Overview With a speaking pace that has a notable slow drawl, Lieutenant Chortle is not known for showing much excitement. At least not in the same way that his human colleagues aboard Starbase 109 might. A recent transfer from Starbase 80, Chortle is more comfortable and in his element when assigned with the mundane maintenance tasks of a starbase or space station. His preference for reassignment would have been a podunk outskirts of Federation space or a remote relay station, even serving aboard a small surveyor; however, he has found himself aboard the hustle and bustle of Starbase 109 and is floundering around as he tries to adapt.

With sloth like reflexes and ensuring that he contemplates everything as though it were a deep philosophical question that could tear apart the very fabric of space, Lieutenant Chortle is not everyone's cup of tea. That said, he is pleasant and distinguishably humble. Chortle would give the sweat soaked shirt right off his back albeit very few would likely accept it. His appearance could best be described as disheveled and his physique as frumpy. Moving at the speed of molasses caught in a subspace quicksand, Chortle holds the mantra of "It will get done" and though it may take him a while to complete the work, he will put in the overtime required to see things through to completion.

Personal History Chortle, the eldest child of Melgatha and Abnard was born and raised on Pakled Planet in the suburbs of a small city with peculiar buildings and many fruit trees. His mother took care of the home and raised Chortle and his siblings while their father worked for the sanitation department. The couple moved away from Pakled Planet to be closer to family friends in the Kalla system, settling on Kalla III.

Always known for being good with his hands, Chortle was a kinesthetic minded learner in school. He enjoyed taking things apart and putting them back together. He was viewed by both his parents as 'The Smart One' of the family, especially of his siblings, Chortle showed the most aptitude.

He attended a normal school as a child and though he got along with the Pakled kids, some of the others would tease him. Chortle was bullied for years, but he did manage make a few friends though over the years, he drifted apart from them. He was interested in extra curricular clubs and activities that fiddled around with communications and holographic technology.