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Sun 20th Aug, 2023 @ 1:00pm

Lieutenant Xelphia Arrackis

Name Xelphia Meika Arrackis

Position Assistant Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Borg (Natural Born - Mirror Universe)
Age 62

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 69 Kg (152 lbs)
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Golden Yellow
Physical Description Xel is both much older and heavier than she appears. A simple scan will clue anyone in on the fact that her entire skeletal structure is covered in a titanium flowmetal alloy graft providing her with that additional weight. Deeper scans will show her bone structure as being somewhat weaker than the average humanoid. Her skin is somewhat translucent making her appear somewhat bluish/purplish with much of her subdermal blood vessel system (veins and arteries) somewhat visible. This was sometimes obvious to those who set eyes upon Borg drones with areas of their skin visible (i.e. not covered up with Borg implants). Scan will also result in her system being saturated with mircobots (not dissimilar to Borg microprobes) that regulate her bodily functions, fight, destroy and encase disease (viruses, bacteria, other foreign and malignant bodies), etc. To the eye, Xel has a slender figure, a stern look, and an intoxicating smile (when she does smile). A bodily scan will indicate the presence of dermal and subdermal scar tissue on top of her C7 vertabrae. This tissue has been openned up many times. Further scans will show a port a computer to attach to for deeper scans of her system.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Ongutus Arrackis
Mother Thalia Cuthag-Arrackis
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Inditus Arrackis
Rivhu Arrackis
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Xel is generally restrained and withheld, sometime secretive. She fights turmultously and determined to achieve her goal, generally to survive. She is loyal to a fault when she pledges her alligiance. She has struggled her entire career to prove herself in the eyes of those who expected her to fail and still expect her to fail. She takes insults and discrimination in stride and brushes those things off as though nothing but lets her frustration show in private or before view few whom she trusts. Xel is not equipped with Borg implants save for an operating system allowing her to perform self-diagnoses and the means to contain foreign invasive objects, and the like. She does not have Borg implants that allow for attacks or outside scans. She has no drill, or saw, or laser eye, or tricorder-like ability built in. She does have a port on top of her C7 vertebrae (large knuckle-like bump on the top of your back, between shoulders, below neck) that can only be accessed by cutting into her and physically attaching a computer to it for others to scan her systems, what she is containing, etc.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She does like to work out and keep fit, but never took on the task of body building. Thus she is not muscular. She does have strength and, oftentimes, added strength as a result of her metallic skeletal grafts and the aid of her microbots. In a fist-fight, she will oftentimes allow her opponent to land a solid punch or kick (head, face, body, etc) resulting in her opponent suffering anywhere from a sprained joint to a broken bone as they make contact with her metalic skeletal structure. Xel rarely gets sick and, when she does, does not stay sick long as her microbots find and eliminate the threat, sometimes containing specimens in her system for later research or disposal. She is able to contain specimens for long durations if needed. Because of her microbots, surface injuries (cut and abrasions) can visibly heal (i.e. any observer can watch the wound slowly close up and heal). Slower than a dermal regenerator but much faster than human healing of course. Deeper wounds take longer though. When it comes to most radiation exposure, her endurance is about as long as any human. Healing (after exposure) is quicker though certain types of radiation may effect her microbots. Of course her microbots will spring into action and start healing at the moment of initial exposure, but full body exposure means her microbots are operating all throughout her body (to capacity) and possibly cannot keep up with the healing process. In the end, she may be able to endure a little more than the average human. Also, her mircobots require energy and siphon energy from her body. So, the greater the exposure, the greater the healing, the greater her microbots operate, the more she needs to eat. This girl, though slender, will be able to eat like a horse at times.

Weaknesses: With her skin being somewhat translucent, Xel is fairly easily effected by ultrviolet radiation and other skin exposure ailments. Most side effects go away fairly quickly as her microbots do most of her healing for her. Needless to say, Xel also bruises easy. Such bodily functions as hormones, adrenaline, and other chemical imbalances Xel cannot bring back into balance on her own without physical activity or outside aid. In the case of adrenaline, once adrenaline has been introduced into her blood stream, it has to be spent. Xel will generally resort to exercise until all the adrenaline is spent. Her body will not reabsorb it and her microbots will not deal with it as it is supposed to be a completely healthy and natural bodily occurence (no foreign intrustion for her microbots with the immune system response subroutine to activate for). Unspent adrenaline will lead to migraine headaches and possibly other effects. Xel also has a difficult time trusting people and opening up to others. It can be a strength at times in that she is a great keeper of secrets. If Xel were to receive a hit or otherwise managed to break a bone, she will require both a medical practicioner and an engineer to repair the damage and reform the titanium alloy graft. The flowmetal graft flows only on initial introduction (when she was young) and slowly flows and she grows. If it is dented or bent, then someone from engineering will be needed to help reshape it. A foreign object will pose a situation. If she were shot with a projectile-based weapon and there is no exit wound (projectile still inside), her microbots would either attempt to encase and contain the bullet for later extraction or (based on location) attempt to push it out of the entry wound. That would be a sight and also painful. All in all depending on the amount of damage (tissue, muscle, tendon), blood loss, and/or importance of damaged organ, it could range anywhere from several minutes to a few hours before she would be able to function without much pain. If there is an exit wound (no object remaining inside) then healing can be somewhat faster. All Borg are given a killswitch by the Imperial Federation. The killswitch is active and meant to be used in the event a Borg were to defect from the Imperial Federation of Planets. The kill switch brings her great pain and a loud siren ringing in her ears that only she can hear. Other functions of her microbots are shut down and her consciousness will eventually be drawn in and contained until she is recovered by the Imperium and dealt with accordingly. All Borg who serve in Starfleet are subject to scans (cut into, ported into via the C7 port, and scanned) at regular intervals.
Ambitions Xel seeks to prove herself in the face of animosity and discrimination. She has little other ambition than that.
Hobbies & Interests Given her need to spend adrenaline and other chemical imbalances from time to time, Xel enjoys extreme sports, racing (be it space craft, auto, etc.), exercise, gym attendance, and sometimes lone time in a holodeck.

Xel was born on Borgos (Borg homeworld) in Earth year 2335 (35 years after the Imperial Federation of Planets made First Contact [i.e. attacked] the Borg and brought an end to the Age of Assimilation). Xel is, therefore, a natural born Borg. Her longevity (appearing only 20 years of age when she is aged in the 60's) is a product of the last en masse assimilation effort of the Borg (the attack and assimilation of the El-Aurians). El-Aurian longevity was incorporated into all Borg but only to about half effectiveness. All Borg age twice as fast as El-Aurians but sill much slower than other humanoids.

Since the end of the Age of Assimilation (when the Borg lost to the Imperial Federation at the Battle of Borgos [a.k.a. First Contact with the Borg]) all Borg were immediately conscripted into the Imperial Federation and either swore allegiance to the emporer or died. Borg were looked upon as lower life-forms. Their lack of immunity to utraviolet radiation and their weakened bone structure meant they were less than all other humanoids. The Federation's Emporer wanted something in return so utilizing assimilation technologies to graft a metallic skeletal structure onto willing Borg as well as providing them with added benefits and augments (to include a user interface so they could perform self diagnoses) brought them up to par (sometimes above and beyond) their imperialist masters. All willing Borg were also given kill-switches that require regular Imperial maintanance. These kill-switches could either be turned off or would shut down on their own after such time, thus leaving the individual Borg helpless and in great pain. This kept Borg from defecting or otherwise performing any form of dereliction of duty.

When Xel was 15 (Earth years), she expressed an interest in joining the ranks of Starfleet . She started the application process and, when she was 18 (Earth) years old (though appearing only a child of 6) Xel underwent the titanium-alloy flowmetal graft upon her skeletal structure. The flowmetal would flow about her structure and then solidify, only to grow with her as she aged and grew. The graft was extremely painful and Xel (as all Borg) was denied sedation to numb the pain.

Because she was small and very agile, she immediately turned to Engineering (always a goto profession for those who could fit in small and tight spaces). She was taken under the wing of one Miles O'Brien for a time until she was conscripted from Engineering and forced into the pilot's seat where she learned flight and tactical. Upon what was passed as a Borg graduation from Starfleet, Xel was awarded the lowest of ranks and was assigned to the I.S.S. Umbriel as one of the ship's pilots and a member of the Umbriel's attack squadron. It was there that she met one Gordon Francis, one of the only upper ranks who regarded her with any hint of respect as a person.

Something of a mutual respect grew between the two and Xel followed him to the I.S.S. Sycamore with permission from the Admiralty of the Imperial Federation. She was listed as the ward to Gordon Francis but still under the command of the CAG of the Sycamore. Their ways parted after the Sycamore as her CAG took her with him to another vessel serving on the front lines of the DKR (Dominion, Klingon, Romulan Allied) War.

It was years later that Xel served in the same airspace with Gordon again at the Battle of Bajor where the Imperial Federation sought to end the DKR War by destroying the wormhole and sealing the Dominion in their quadrant of the galaxy. The Dominion wanted preace talks but the Imperial Federation would accept nothing other than unconditional surrender from the DKR. Xel always secretly supported peace talks with the Dominion but also knew than any hint of dissent could potentially bring someone to remotely flip that kill-switch in her system.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: Cadet - Engineering Focus
Starfleet Academy: Cadet - Flight and Tactical
I.S.S. Umbriel: Ensign - Navigation, Flight and Air Wing
I.S.S. Sycamore: Ensign - Navigation, Flight and Air Wing
I.S.S. Canyon: Ensign - Flight and Air Wing

Awards and Commendations: None (She is a Borg)