Lieutenant Commander Yuma Mukkaai

Name Yuma Li Mukkaai

Position Former NPCs

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Angosian
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 1.8m
Weight 63.5kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black/Brown
Physical Description Average Height, Athletic build. Long Black hair, stern face, and upright posture. She is capable of smiling but doesnt suffer fools gladly, using a stern face more often than not. After leaving Angosia. Yuma was taken with Japanese culture during her time on earth, taking on a Human name of two other famous Japanese women combined. She wears traditional attire for Federation civilians but adorns herself with trappings of their culture. She eschews Angosian cultural trappings and presents as Human whenever possible.


Spouse Unmarried
Children No Children
Father Krona Lipari
Mother Eschrid Fkast
Brother(s) Luter, Fivenn
Sister(s) Tressa, Iriwe, Deyat
Other Family Close ties to Home group living in Iyalla Tower, but avoids her homeworld. Extended family of only a few hundred on the outpost.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Yuma was told her whole life that she would not be allowed to amount to anything. Due to her parents having criminal records and the ongoing Angosian Cultural strife from the civil war she couldn't tell people she was Angosian for fear of their overreactions. She has a high level of capability, but is not a one woman army. Her gifts lie on being clever, avoiding conflicts and application of minimal forces. After extensive training on Earth she graduated and has an image of a Human well engrained in most people. Her parents would rather take an injury then inflict harm, and this pacifistic tradition in interpreted by Yuma as a demand to find other solutions before you blast or force your way through a problem.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Augmentations to basic biological systems
+Enhanced senses
+Rugged individual
+Well trained combatant
+ Starfleet Darling
+ Very Clever Tactician
- Hesitates to make decisions which may involve death or violence
- Has a stigma towards being Angosian, self hatred
- Experiences alienation from others, has anti-social tendencies
- Short temper when it comes to being overruled by rank
- Not a scientifically gifted officer
Ambitions Improve Angosian cutlure by showing Starfleet it can trust Angosians. Ending internment for the families of the Super Soldiers. To flee captivity and explore cosmos, and never return home.
Hobbies & Interests Japanese culture, Humans, Earth, Starfleet Career, Music, Art, Dance, Song.

Personal History Yuma was born to the name Ashisi Krona. She was told her whole life, that as a child of criminals with reputations of mass murderers that she had to lay low. Her parents had been given super soldier treatment which had ultimately cause them to be imprisoned after they couldnt reintegrate into society. They fought a civil war over it and earned their peaceful retirements outside of a prison, but contained within zones all the same. Unable to leave the Iyalla tower or its grounds, the little girl who would one day be Yuma could only dream what was out there.

She grew up in a model of a society that was pacifistic, self controlled, but also rigidly defiant. She was trained as a child in arts of self defense, outside the box thinking, clever ways to solve problems. Art, culture, music were presented as the onyl acceptable usage of energy, and violence was a brutal stupid thing. She was given a position of mild authority over the other young adults as a junior officer, which pleased her. She was fair and earned the trust of her friends and colleagues with sage wisdom and leadership prowess.

During the Dominion war, even those relegated to the towers were compelled to rise to the defense of Angosia under threat of the Dominion. The first two attempts saw all of Angosia suffer greatly, and the third would have crumbled those defenders who remained but Starfleet managed to save them.

This allowed Yuma to apply to the Academy as she had served alongside their officers and had earned a recommendation. The first Angosian allowed to attend the Academy, she didn't ace the sciences, but qualified for ship life overall, so the choices were diplomacy, intelligence, tactical, command. Yuma decided to just run all of them at the same time, and took on several tracks at once. It added a year to her time at the academy, but as she finished, her prospects were wide and varied. The time of her life to lay low and the assumptions about her species were not the anchors they once were.

She traveled to the most famous corners of the Federation as a diplomatic escort officer, completing her final year of training in part by serving. She was fully graduated and promoted to Ensign with Specialties in Tactical, Diplomacy, and Command operations. The first test of her abilities came with the RX- Eucharyote, a spy ship masquerading as a science vessel. She would spend four years of a five year mission extracting intel from the border worlds of the Dominion. A Wadi mercenary encounter would have killed them, but Yuma's intelligence predicted the attack and erased their evidence of even being there.

The Tekumbra saw her service continue as an Intelligence Officer, and the ships mandate was to deliver agents and ferry personnel. They would carry diplomatic delegations to cover the real missions as Yuma was skilled in both worlds. Her work there saw a reassignment and promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade. The USS Calliope was a heavy escort vessel for diplomatic voyages, along side the "USS Merriwether," sent to warzones to settle the conflicts. The Calliope saw extensive action and was forced to be relieved by the USS Geronimo. Yuma was kept on mission as a vital asset and promoted to Chief Tactical Officer of the Geronimo. Two years later despite all efforts, the Geronimo was forced to save the Merriweather at the cost of its own life. Yuma was part of a plan that saved the crew, and still allowed the Merriweather to escape and return to end the conflict. The "Boiling Oil" conflict saw may deaths she takes as her own fault. Heavy crew losses still shook Yuma heavily and she was assigned to medical leave as she recovered from the traumas.
Service Record 2370: Assigned to Angosian Special Services as a Junior Officer. Special Assignment to Iyalla Tower.
2372: Completion of service details provides promotion to Adjutant Warrant Officer.
2373: Promoted into Angosian General Infantry under Treaty of Danar as Warrant Officer. Assigned to Defense perimeters for duration of Dominion War. Angosia repelled several attempts by the Dominion.
2376: Recruitment to Starfleet Academy under a program to refill ranks post Dominion war.
2380: Assigned to Diplomatic Corps as Tactical officer. Assisted with delegations to, Q'onos, Vulcan, Earth, Angosia, Acamar, Tarellius VI
2381: Graduation from Starfleet Academy- Tactical Officer, honors awarded for exceptional performance.
2386: Assigned to the RX- Eucharyote Long range science vessel operating near the fringes of Dominion space. Promoted to Ensign.
2390: Assigned to the Tekumbra as Intelligence Officer. Promoted to LT j.g.
2393: Assigned to USS Calliope, a diplomatic vessel assigned to warzones.
2395: Assigned Chief Tactical Officer of USS Geronimo. Promoted to Lieutenant.
2396: Battlefield promotion to Lieutenant Commander and re-assigned as Executive officer of USS Geronimo. Geronimo was lost after a prolonged mission. Awards for valor and performance due to preventing loss of life and completion of mandate under duress.
2397: Medical leave granted for traumas sustained during the "Boiling Oil" Incident.