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Thu 3rd Aug, 2023 @ 5:35pm

Ensign Amatoska ‘Aloaa

Name Amatoska Ik ‘Aloaa XL

Position Tactical Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Mesonych Colossal squid
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height Length: 9m
Weight 470 kg
Hair Color Surface follicles of translucent bristle over red skin.
Eye Color Yellow Iris over Black
Physical Description The Mesonych colossal squid shares features common to all squids: a mantle for locomotion, one pair of gills, and certain external characteristics like eight arms and two tentacles, a head, and two fins. Red and Black fringes, Yellow Eye, though Mesonych had to genetically augment for longer lifespans and gained limited air breathing capacity and land locomotion with assistance. Bright luminescent chemicals allow camouflage and light based communications.


Spouse Species does not co habitate
Children Spawn to over 100,000 children on many worlds their Domain encompasses. Species spawns in tens of thousands.
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Fiejago is a close friend.

Species does not form family units as most do, they do not eat one another, and cooperate against larger predators at basic instinct levels.
Sister(s) KaiKeli is a close friend.
Other Family Starfleet instilled a sense of family, its a Human trait Amatoska enjoys. Olumorron.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Amatoska was from a world of savage aquatic life. The dismal land masses were dedicated to infrastructure, the cities lay underneath. Contacting Starfleet was a first contact situation despite their species advanced knowledge. Amatoska is one of the first to leave, and is a natural explorer. He finds the whole damn thing exciting and uses a coder connected to emotional context leading to a loud, boisterous loyal member of the Fleet.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Deadly strong in the water
+Extremely durable
+Very crafty and persistent
+Friendly, loyal and always ready to act.
-Barely capable of motion our of water
-Can utilize suits to leave water, but they are large.
-Requires advanced life support for postings and missions.
Ambitions To pacify Aloaa and control their spawnings. War and competition over their sheer numbers is constant, and Amatoska represents the newest generation of thinkers who wish to escape the brutality of their existence. Aloaa invades worlds by simply dropping fertilized eggs into oceans and moving on, and their numbers are growing. Amatoska wants to prove to Starfleet his people are worthy and need guidance.
Hobbies & Interests Away Missions and being a point of the spear in the action. Improving the aquatic apparatus and holo interface he uses to interact with crew. Learning everything he can, though advanced maths like Quantum physics and warp theory are hard for him.

Personal History Aloaa is a very large world, mostly water, with a few island chains of active volcanoes. Three intelligent species fought for dominance, and the Mesonych species won by using Genetic augmentation to increase their spawning numbers, extending their lifespans, and overwhelming their oppositions. Amatoska was born into a world of billions just like him, and the food was scarce. they wouldn’t eat each other, but that’s as far as civility went on empty stomachs. The islands allowed for temporary structures to be built, and technology helped them to achieve a communications array, telescope, radio tower, and see the stars. Massive die offs due to collapsed eco systems let Amatoska and a few others as survivors when Starfleet replied. Given a choice, Amatoska and two others, Fiejago and Kaikeli were allowed to leave the world behind in the instance that no others of their species had witnessed the shuttle.

In Starfleet, they were given educations and learned fast. Amatoska and Fiejago joined, KaiKeli became a researcher. Serving together as few ships were made to support aquatic life, they found a berth and made sail with a nearly all aquatic crew. Amatoska made his way into Tactical ranks, where Fiejago found himself in Engineering colors. A Minaran who used a mental link to a voice recorder made an adaptation for their Mesonych brains for mental projection of vocal commands.

The research team under Dr. Olumorron was part of the Aquatic programs, and all three found themselves serving aboard the Attina. Over a short tenure, Olumorron parted ways, for other researchers to take the Attina for their purposes. When the Proto Star project was sanctioned, Olumorron requested the Attina, and SB109 became the designated post for the project.

Service Record -Academy graduate with honors- Tactical
-USS Cousteau
-USS Galaxy
-XF Attina