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Sun 30th Apr, 2023 @ 7:31pm

Leslie Mack

Name Leslie Eoban Mack

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Sol Martian
Age 49

Physical Appearance

Height 5’11”
Physical Description Human. Says he is a Sol Martian. Says he is six feet tall, is 5’11’’. Walks tall, arms out, is pot bellied. Balding from crown, salt and pepper hair. Flushed face usually from anger or slight exertion.


Spouse Alynna (Ex-Wife)
Children Estranged from two sons Ricky and Mitchell

Personality & Traits

General Overview Is not Alex Jones in Space. IS NOT Alex Jones in Space.

Personal History Born on Mars, grew up hearing tales of the Martian dissident movements and calls himself a “Native Martian.” Spent most of life in ship and on Earth, spoiled rich kid. Was given a sub space array to start a show where he goes to dangerous places with Starfleet and shows their brave and noble deeds. Uses it to make profit, and spread trending topics. His videos are very divisive and charged with conspiracy laden theories. He does do good reporting in a “broken clock is right twice a day” sort of way. Usually seen wherever there is conflict, an ambulance chasing paparazzo of the 25th century.
Service Record Radio shows across the light years, lot of them for “Martian Only Crowds”
War Correspondent work for FNN
Featured in many publications and seen on interviews.
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