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Thu 11th May, 2023 @ 2:29am

Gary Thirteen

Name Gary Thirteen

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age ??

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Dark brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall with a full build, almost always wearing a very nice business suit. His face looks aged, but he could be anywhere between mid forties to early sixties. Sometimes he appears to be heavier than other times, and the grayness of his hair seems to fluctuate day by day as well, though the style and amount of hair does not change. He has deep brown eyes, a round nose and perfect white teeth. He is known to smile on occasion, but his demeanor is often quite businesslike.


Other Family He owns a very curious calico cat named Sundae.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Practically nothing is known about Gary Thirteen. He doesn't have any residence on the station, but no one has ever had reason to find him. He's quiet and unassuming, and always with that darn calico cat named Sundae. Strangely, of the two of them it's the cat who seems more social. Most of the time Gary goes unnoticed. He does seem to have strange extensive knowledge about the station and its inhabitants, but gives the impression that he is not from around here... in fact, it seems like he's not from around anywhere!

Personal History Nothing is known about Gary Thirteen's personal history. He might not even be human. His cat might not even be a real cat.