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Sat 24th Jun, 2023 @ 3:41am

Olumorron Eirie

Name Olumorron Kal Eirie 'Xin'

Position Astrometrics Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Xindi-Aquatic
Age 133

Physical Appearance

Height 1.7m x 3.8m
Weight 4100 kg
Hair Color Bristle Hair- clear
Eye Color slit eyed-yellow and brown
Physical Description They have slit-like irises in their eyes and were capable of seeing far better underwater than humanoids were. Aquatics had three fingers on each forelimb, ending in short fingernail-like claws, with webbing in-between for easier swimming. Their skin was a greenish shade and had blotches of olive. Like all Xindi, they had a fold at the top of their cheekbone. They had tails for maneuverability and their hind limbs were fins.
The Aquatic females were larger and had rougher skin than the males who were more slim and had smoother skin. Females had a more humanoid-looking face, whereas male faces were rounder.


Spouse Not applicable
Children Spawning pools yield dozens of offspring over the youth of a Xindi Aquatic. Biologically the father of hundreds, but no familial organization beyond community gatherings in ancestral areas.
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) Dozens from his youth have remained in contact throughout life.
Sister(s) A few from his youth have remained in contact throughout life.
Other Family Xindi-Arboreal (Itabo) close friend, Engineer attached to operations.
K.loo native (Fiejago) Starfleet officer assigned to monitor and safeguard operations, and close friend.

More friends to come (TBD)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Olumorron is a contrarian for his people. As males are smaller on average, he is significantly smaller so he has learned to use wit and skill to earn accolade and compete with rivals. X-Aquatics are a peaceful species, but compete in virtually every arena of life to prove they are superior. Olumorron proved time and again, that brains would triumph over brawn in long games. He is arrogant, stubborn and a total know it all, but this also comes from along pattern of being right and knowing the science backward and forwards. Ultimately, an advocate for Federation membership and ally to Starfleet though he presents as a curmudgeon.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Veteran political player
+Top tier intelligence
+Driven to succeed, not easily swayed
-Stubborn, unwilling to listen to lesser beings
-Is too frail to leave comfortable environs, a total "lives inside researching all day" classic nerd.
Ambitions -Solving an issue where the X-Aquatics are living on less than suitable worlds and need to find a long term solution or their species will undergo divisions they cant take back. One World, for All X-Aquatics.
-Proving Subspace Vortex Drive is superior to Warp Drive and triggering galactic levels of change.
-Advancing the cause of X-Aquatics to become members of the Federation.
Hobbies & Interests Simulations and experimentation of random project ideas.
Strategema, Chess, Risk, War games in general
Composing music meant to be played underwater.
Using Vortex drives to go farther than anything believed possible, using imagination to design the engine.

Personal History As a young Aquatic, he visited the spawn pools, and learned language from the gatherings, met others of his kind and exchanged tales, gossip, myth and legend.

As an adult, he was sent to serve his people for a mandatory terms, and learned of the desperate plight of his people after so long. His service was relocating failing colonies to stronger ones. He learned his people forced the young to spawn incessantly because the X-Aquatics were scattered over dozens of worlds, but no single one of them was flourishing. As many were born, left, or died. Olumorron became infertile after a certain time, as all X-Aquatics do, and his life had new purpose, research. There was finally time to do the important work and leave the running around and spawning to the youth.

As a middle aged ingenue Olumorron solved many problems facing X-Aquatics, and is presently tasked to solve their issues with expansion to suitable worlds. Terraforming specialists from the Federation had offered assistance many times over the years, but Olumorron took the offer. Vast strides were made after connecting to other worlds with aquatic species and solutions came in just under a decade.

The Dynastic rulers of the X-Aquatics gave him carte blanche to pursue his research as he could do what the others couldnt, "make decisions quickly." His intelligence and guile give him confidence in making instinct decisions rather than fact based ones. His human counterparts had taught him the importance of moving quickly, or as they said, "We will make our decisions once we get there."

His research took him all over the Federation, and one project in particular rose to prominence, "Proto-Stars." The Federation granted a research station onboard Starbase 109 to pursue these ends, as well as the other projects online.
Service Record 4 year service on Xindus Cruiser, "Alakkra." Relocation efforts involved in several systems.
17 years assigned to Xindus Institute for Advanced Research.
2 years assigned to Federation Outpost "Katydid" researching anomalous energy patterns in Briar Patch.
-->Awarded Federation Commendation for resolving Sensor feedback issues when scanning nebulae.
3 years work for the Cestus Peace Accord Hall- Team studied Gorn Spawning behaviors, part of Genetic Hatchery Concept development.
4 years assigned to Starfleet Intelligence analyzing Dominion technology.
--->Team Commendation for a revised shield modulation to account for Polaron beam scatter.
12 years attached to Xindus Institute for Advanced Research.
7 years assigned to Vulcan Science Academy.
--->Team Acheived marginal advances in Anti-Borg incursions.
3 years assigned to Daystrom Institute assigned to Species 8472 Fluidic space technologies.
--->Pioneered research division for Gravitic Lensing sensor technology.
4 years assigned to Xindus Institute for Advanced Research.
-Currently assigned to Starbase 109 to continue research on "Proto-Star" Technology.