Naotalba Addams-Stevens

Name Naotalba Cassilda Addams-Stevens Ph.D

Position Family Members

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 145 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Naotalba is tall and slender for a human woman, with long, straight, dark brown hair that usually looks black unless it is seen in sunlight. She prefers to dress in dark colors or neutral tones. For work she usually wears stylish pantsuits or dresses with calf-length skirts, tending toward grays, navy blue, purple, or mostly black.

When Naotalba stands still, she is still--not frozen or stiff, but not fidgety at all. Her posture is excellent from having studied ballet in her youth. She moves almost silently. Her voice is a rich, dark alto.


Spouse Ehriel Stevens
Children Son - Dionysius, age 12
Daughter - Sibyl, age 8
Father Desiderio Addams
Mother Alanna Corvina-Addams
Brother(s) TBD
Sister(s) TBD
Other Family Many Addams, Frump, Corvina, and Munster cousins, aunts, uncles.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses - Slightly paranoid. But is it paranoia if the Elder Gods really are trying to break into our universe?
- Does not have adequate patience with the foibles of her children who, at this age, are mostly human normal.
- Intensely dislikes loud noises.
- Can seem intimidating to people who don't know her well.
- Had to learn to be ruthless. Is ruthless under certain circumstances.
- Loves her family. This causes problems with the ruthlessness issue.
+ Loves her family.
+ Encyclopedic memory; trained for this.
+ Very self-disciplined and goal-driven.
+ She's tough. Can endure privation and solitude; had to in the seminary where she studied.
+ Decisive.
Ambitions Keep this universe safe from the Elder Gods. That is her overriding purpose. Everything in her life, even her loves, is secondary to that--except when it isn't.
Hobbies & Interests Embroidery, reading, yoga, piano.

Personal History She met her future husband while apprenticing as an under-librarian at the Great Library of Yhtill on Carcosa.
Service Record Earned BS in Psychology at University of Virginia
Completed an MS in Psychology - Near-Death Studies at Univ. of Virginia Medical School Dept. of Perceptual Studies.
Earned doctorate in Library Science at Agnes Scott College.
Enters Seminary of Yhtil, Carcosa.
Under-Librarian at Great Library of Yhtill, Carcosa
Resigns from seminary and under-librarian position; returns to Earth.
Currently serves as Archives Librarian at Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia, Earth.