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Sun 8th May, 2022 @ 7:30pm

Lieutenant Pampo Gnu

Name Pampo Lat-oK Gnu

Position Diplomatic Officer

Second Position Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Halanan
Age 41

Physical Appearance

Height 1.93m
Weight 108 Kg
Hair Color Salt and Pepper Black
Eye Color Purple
Physical Description Halanans are humanoid, the men average 1.7m in height, so Pampo is taller than most. He is stocky, but overall fit. He is usually dressed in bombastic garb, or high fashion, and has an endless replicator wardrobe. He has Dark hair with white flecks, deeply indigo eyes, and a ponytail. He doesn't usually sport facial hair but can decide randomly to have a beard or goatee. An easy smile, but mighty frame gives him the air of casual menace if he wants to.

Halanans also have their mental projection, in this case, "HOB" who is the projection form of Pampo. HOB will always be a copy of whatever form Pampo has taken that day, but rode hard and put up wet. HOB is also taller and wider, with sapient thought all on his own whenever he is manifested. It is not a casual process to project HOB, and renders Pampo catatonic.


Spouse Never married
Children Drissan Lat-Ok
Father Piryan Lat-OK
Mother Lessy OK-Lat
Brother(s) Favro Lat-Ad
Sister(s) Mixzy Ok-Lat
Other Family Prolly a few kids he doesn't realize he left behind in his travels

Personality & Traits

General Overview Pampo is a Civilian with incredible capabilities for diplomacy. He is the ringer they call in for tough negotiations. His ability to project a second self is also of extreme use to Starfleet Intelligence as he doubles Diplomacy/Intelligence. He lived a life as a man of mystery up until the toll of his lifestyle caught up to him, and he wishes to enjoy a slower pace. Ever the Gentleman spy, his career as a diplomat is a perfect cover.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Experienced Statesman and Diplomatic Corps Darling
+Experienced Crewman/OPS/Engineering trained
+Psychically strong
+Psychic projection of self "HOB"
+HOB-self is a contender, and leaves no trace as its a projection.
+Spytools in the form of retinal sensors, HUD, biometric interface, other infiltration devices embedded.
+Helluva party Host and event coordinator

-Projecting HOB becomes dangerous after two hours for his health, takes time to recover ability, or loses consciousness.
-Old and only in OK shape
-Cybernetic implants aid his spy craft but can be detected by more sophisticated scans.
-Poor Pilot
-Prone to Addictive behaviors
-HOB is not under his direct control and can make bad decisions.
-Cannot tune out other thoughts, must use Cybernetic block.
Ambitions To retire into a gentle life of crime and intrigue while tending a bar or event space.
Hobbies & Interests Hospitality, Interpersonal relations, Languages, Cultural appreciation, Festivals, Spycraft, Ledgermaine.

Personal History TBD

Broad Strokes-

Pampo worked for Starfleet, washed out of the academy but was tapped by diplomatic corps and it went well for a few years until a disastrous mission almost got Pampo killed. HOB saved the day, and the Diplomatic Corps shared with Starfleet Intelligence a useful asset. A gangbuster career striking deals paralleled missions where HOB would be manifested and as invisible and untraceable as can be, would sneak around and do spy stuff.

Pampo has had too many close calls and the nerves are getting to him. He wants to retire from the missions, and settle into a life as a Gentleman spy in a useful place. He is assigned to SB109 covertly.
Service Record Starfleet Academy- Dismissed for failing to maintain performance standards. Re-evaluation and diversion into Diplomacy proved differnt standards were more telling for his ability. Not approved as a ship's crewman, but as a diplomatic attache. Abilities to project, and the solid service to the diplomatic corps granted full commission undercover as a Lieutenant in Starfleet Intelligence.

Federation Diplomatic Corps- Distinguished twenty eight year career in the field.
(More coming)

[CLASSIFIED] Starfleet Intelligence, Twenty two years of meritorious service undercover.
(More Coming)

Retirement granted to SB109 on call status.