Tannis 77-AE

Name Tannis Vik 77-AE

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Barolian
Age 41

Physical Appearance

Height 1.98m
Weight 108 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Gray Blue skin, Tall, Built, headlined jaw, omnipresent scowl. Rarely smiling, gray teeth, slate blue mouth, mauve tongue. Dresses in Leather and Denim, has a utility belt with tools usually.


Spouse Aokk
Children Po, Lisset, Nkokk, Godvam
Father Sepp
Mother Alil
Brother(s) Banto, Fassoo, Jevz, Breay, Lask
Sister(s) Kkon, Atjab, Dnooe, Rigga
Other Family Barolians have large families, tribal structures.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tannis is weathered survivor of tragedy and Borg assimilation. He was caught early, and the Borg nanites had only partially assimilated him when medicine stopped it. He has issues medically and psychologically. He has dedicated his life to his family and making them a new home to live. Tannis has abandoned hope for himself but will fight endlessly for his family. Not a risk taker, he is aware if he dies the family will suffer greatly. Getting assimilated will take all the humor out of you, once known for smiles and jokes, he is a somber and silent type unless the good time is coaxed out of him. His family brings him joy and is the only reason he does anything.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Barolians have generally higher than "Human normal" physical traits: Durable, strong, immune to many things.
+ Resistant to mental influences
+ Solid Work ethic: Its all for his family
+ Veteran Spacer
+ Combat support trained
+- Has eyesocket with augmented biogenic eye replacement and Borg circuitry.
+- Has Borg exoskeletal linkups on major arteries of body.
+- Family is his sole focus
- Exhausted emotionally and lethargic physically
- PTSD related to Borg
- Medical issues from partial assimilation
Ambitions To earn enough money to secure a homestead for his family on a Federation world. (Borg hardware is a problem) To gather any other Barolians he finds and get them together, or join a colony of them to make sure the species doesn't die out.
Hobbies & Interests Family life, School, Work opportunities, Scouting for new homes, searching for other Barolians

Personal History Barolia was sacked by the Borg in 2381. The planet was lost, but evacuated with a joint Alpha/Beta Quadrant task force. Tannis was rescued in the initial invasion, the assimilation process interrupted by Federation combat medics. He would return several times to try and fight to gain more evacuees but the situation was hopeless when Starfleet resolved to change tactics and sunder the Borg presence from Barolia. All life was destroyed but the Borg presence was contained. Of the dozens rescued in a group traveling to SB109, Tannis adopted all of the children who wanted to stay with him on the base, and met a fine young Barolian woman who he came to love deeply. They were married and had two more children of their own. The other adults left to go find their families, and resolved to return to SB109 within a short time to keep their group intact. Tannis and this group are an anchor for other Barolians, and Renato has set up a program to help find and route others to SB109.
Service Record Barolian Education Criteria met: Certifications and proficiencies for: Shipwright, Industrial mechanisms, Civic Planning

Starfleet Ground Recovery effort: Barolia (2 years)

SB109 (Refugee Center Program Chair: Barolia)

(NPC for Renato Solis)