
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Fri 7th Oct, 2022 @ 4:46am

Lieutenant Kidan Mallaya

Name Kidan Mallaya DVM

Position Family Members

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 200
Hair Color Blonde-dyed
Eye Color Violet
Physical Description Lanky.
Wears glasses.


Spouse None
Children Anik-8
Father Telfar
Mother Jerula
Sister(s) Inara
Other Family Several cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Quiet and unassuming, with a gentle calm presence.
Strengths & Weaknesses Deaf
Ambitions To forge a new life for himself, free of any of the obligations and expectations of his family.

Personal History Lost his hearing at the age of 15 with an attack of Beta Rebeola virus that left he and his sister with only a trace of their telepathic ability. Puberty restored that of Inara, but Kidan was never the same. His hearing however never did return, and he wears a special pair of eyeglasses. They are clear lenses, with a computerized screen built in, that takes the auditory information and displays it as script upon the inside of the lens. This allows him to communicate with others at only a slight delay. The man speaks with the soft lilt of a northern burr from the mountain regions of Betazed, where he grew up. His diction is pristine, because of the age at which he lost his hearing, he remembers how speaking properly feels.

He has a strong empathic gift with animals, and none with people whatsoever. Other Betazoids view him as a freak, but he contents himself with his veterinary clinic. While he prefers the company of those with 4 legs instead of two, the man keeps himself absolutely immaculately groomed. An affectation of his high station on Betazed before his malady became well known.

A brief dalliance with a freighter captain resulted in a baby- Anik, who now 8 years old lives with his mother aboard the Freighter Anizole. He enjoys spending time with the boy and his mother, whose company is comfortable to him.
Service Record Elothi Primary School
Kelto Highschool
Loneel Valley University- Biology and Botany
University of Betazed- Veterinary School