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Thu 24th Dec, 2020 @ 8:00pm


Name Radak

Position Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 2/3 Human, 1/3 Vulcan
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6’4”
Weight 275 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Radak is a big man, and entirely noticeable in the confined spaces of Brown Sector. He has the subtle points to the ears indicating his Vulcan heritage, and dark hair, but otherwise it can be hard to spot him as a Vulcan. He has tattoos of the Orion Syndicate on his back and arms which he usually keeps well-hidden. He’s heavy with worker’s muscles, broad and powerful in a way that demands attention. He wears an Orion-designed VISOR composed of coppery lenses that fit closely over his eyes with neural implants inserted near his temples. It’s a crudely-made piece of technology.


Spouse N/A
Father Seven (Deceased)
Mother T’Rama (Deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Radak possesses a certain stoic quality inherited from his Vulcan family members, but the truncated nature of his time at home lead him to be much more open than most Vulcans. He still has a laconic quality to him, though there’s an intensity there that he never can quite tamp down.

He came to Brown Sector as a teenager on the run from the Orion Syndicate, and found a home and a community in Brown Sector. As a result, he’s fiercely protective of the place and the people there. He’s soft-spoken and gentle in most situations, but when called upon to get physical he’s a fearsome and dangerous fighter.
Strengths & Weaknesses Radak has some of the enhanced Vulcan strength and speed, though it’s lessened by his human blood. Radak is incredibly patient and capable of a very single-minded focus and determination when put on a task. He has a certain degree of skill and education in science, operation and engineering, and he’s a qualified tinkerer.

He’s also, however, not particularly skilled at taking the initiative on his own. Radak generally prefers to be steered instead of making his own decisions. While he’s slow to anger and gentle almost to a fault, when he’s finally pushed the edge his temper can be a terrible thing that often can be indiscriminate in his rage.
Ambitions To build his own home, free from the damage of his past, where he can be free and happy. Settle down, get married, maybe even have some kids.
Hobbies & Interests Radak is a tinkerer, good with his hands and with a good grasp on basic operations and engineering concepts. In addition to his work as a part-time deputy, he can be found doing small jobs around Brown Sector, fixing equipment and devices for a modest fee.

Personal History Radak was born on Evekh Colony, a joint Earth and Vulcan colony established in the late 23rd century as a science and agricultural outpost. It was a relatively quiet colony, on an arid world of spartan, desert beauty. Radak’s parents were both half-human and half-Vulcan, as many people of their generation were after nearly a century of living together.

His parents were agricultural scientists, and Radak’s earliest memories are of growing up on a farm, surrounded by the harsh desert world. His life changed forever when he was eight and a gang of Orion raiders descended on the colony. In the attack, a number of colonists were killed and much of their supplies were stolen. Radak’s home was destroyed, and he was blinded in the attack, and taken by the raiders. After outfitting him with a crude variation of the VISOR technology, the raiders put him to work on their ship. He did menial labor, assisted with work as needed, and provided entertainment as he got older as a bare-knuckle brawler.

In time, Radak became a crew member on the pirate ship which had become his home. He learned weapons and engineering, he became a trusted member of the crew. Radak was playing a long game, however: he hated the raiders and intended to have his revenge and escape.

Eventually, the opportunity arose when they were being pursued by a Federation vessel. While attempting to escape, Radak vented warp core coolant into the engine room, causing the core to overheat to critical levels. Radak got to an escape pod and got away. The Orion ship wasn’t destroyed, but was badly damaged. They fought the small Starfleet vessel to a standstill and limped away. The Federation vessel missed his pod, however, and Radak drifted off into space.

He was in the pod for two weeks, eating little and falling back on the meditation techniques he’d learned from his grandparents. Eventually, the pod was picked up by a salvage vessel who brought him to Starbase 109. Radak, fearing discovery by the Orions, gave a fake name and subsequently disappeared into the depths of Brown Sector. At 15 years old, he was alone.

It was luck that brought him into the sphere of Li Kainon. The Bajoran was close to the same age, and the two teenagers became close friends. Kainon’s mother became almost like his own, and Radak grew to love Kainon like a brother and Brown Sector like his own home. He stood with Kainon at every opportunity to defend it, and signed on as a deputy when Kainon became sheriff.
Service Record N/A