
  • 8 Mission Posts

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Fri 7th Apr, 2023 @ 5:37am

Anne da Silva

Name Anne da Silva

Position Owner, Shake and Slake Diner

Second Position Owner, Shake and Slake Diner

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 45

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 135 lbs.
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Anne is a slender woman of medium height, with shoulder-length, wavy red hair and a fair complexion. She wears dark-framed eyeglasses and unobtrusive cosmetics.


Spouse TBA
Children Adult daughter, Magdalen, who lives on Earth.
Father Robert Morrow
Mother Carolyn Gillespie Morrow
Brother(s) One brother.
Sister(s) Anne has two sisters.
Other Family Ex-husband, Ted da Silva

Personality & Traits

General Overview Was born in Manhattan, New York, Earth. Later moved to New Orleans and finally, by a circuitous route, made her way to Starbase 109 after her divorce.
Strengths & Weaknesses Kind, generous, charming, delightful to be around. Also chatty. Anne knows ALL the gossip.
Ambitions At the moment, Anne is doing what makes her happy. She would be content to retire on SB-109, except that being so far away from Earth makes it difficult to see family. She is still friends with her husband, but she was unwilling to tolerate his alcoholism.
Hobbies & Interests Loves small animals. Owns a couple of dogs (Aidan and Emily) and a cat (Stalksy). Feeds ducks, pigeons, squirrels, you name it, when she takes her dogs on walks. Saves bread crusts and pizza crusts for the birds.