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The doctor is in

Posted on Mon 6th Aug, 2018 @ 4:24pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington & Khellian s'Siedhri MD

1,238 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Residential area
Timeline: Backpost: Before Wellington's incident

Wellington, dressed in her PT gear and her hair pulled back into a pony tail hopped painfully into the office, being aided by a civilain maintenance worker. "Thank you for the help," Wellington said to the worker as they entered.

"Of course ma'am." The maintenence worker said and then called out into the dimness of the back office.
"Maenek s'Siedhri?"

"Ie?" There was a faint thud and a grumbled "mnaes!" Before Khellian descended the stairs to see the two of them. "How can i be of assistance?"

"Sorry for being a bother, doc," Wellington said from the table. "This gentleman said you were a doctor and I hurt my ankle running. Not sure if it's sprained or not. I don't believe it's broken though," she finished with a shrug.

"Not a bother. Just a touch early." he offered a tired smile as he walked to her bedside still in the robe that he slept in. It was belted around the waist with a sash and the man was barefoot. "Lets have a look shall we?"

Brooklyn despite the pain at her ankle, returned the smile. 'Not bad,' she thought. "Sure, doctor."

A quick scan sent an image of the foot, bones and musculature to the display PADD in his hand. "Micro tears in the muscle. Looks like a nasty sprain. We'll have you fixed up in a jiffy I believe is the human expression?" His voice was questioning slightly as he found a regenerator.

"Yes, I believe it is," Wellington replied. "I haven't seen you on the station before. Did you recently arrive?" Although she knew that with the size of a Starbase such as 109, it was easy to not recognize people. The Starbase was literally a giant city in space.

"Indeed. I came here on the Hermes, which was a lovely experience. Your Mr. Macbeth and Mr Clement made me an offer i could not refuse mere moments after I set foot on the station...and thus here we are." His easy smile shone through as he gently manipulated her ankle under the regenerative field.

The man's touch was amazing as she felt little discomfort as he moved her ankle. "Well then, welcome to Starbase 109 and if anything, you are a talented physician," Wellington complimented.

"Ah flattery" he said, with pleasure evident in his voice. "I and my ego do thank you however."

Wellington smiled at the man. "So, how about I welcome you aboard by taking you out for a bite to eat?" she suggested as Khellian continued to gently move her ankle.

"I am quite fond of breakfast foods." Khellian answered with a warm smile, his fingers settling into the hollow of her ankle. "This is not the first time you've injured this ankle." it was toned as both a statement and a question.

"No, I've broken it once when I was younger. Landed wrong after jumping out of a tree," Wellington admitted. "Breakfast it is then."

"It didn't heal properly when you were a child. That's probably why you keep re-injuring it. Shame be upon your childhood doctor." Walking away from the bed for a moment, Khellian looked for a specific tool. He pressed a round pad onto her ankle, and that pad started to vibrate and hum at the same time. "This will feel odd, but it shouldn't hurt."

"What are you doing?" she asked, feeling surprised that her ankle hadn't healed properly when she was a child.

"When bones heal naturally, they make a little bump of extra bone over any fractures so as to make it stronger. In that one place it is but sometimes to the detriment of the surrounding tissues. I am removing the bump for you which will allow you to move more freely, and hopefully not experience this again.

"I see...well, thank you," she smiled. "So what do you do when you're not being a doctor?"

"I do a number of things. I have a small garden plot. I also have been known to cut a stained glass panel or two, when time allows. What of yourself?"

"Well, I mostly enjoy SCUBA and learning how machines work," Wellington replied. Her ankle was filling alot better and a part of her didn't want the doctor to stop. "I've recently began to take guitar lessons."

"SCUBA, that is underwater work is it not?" he asked, his eyebrow raising at the word that he recognized only vaguely. Romulans didn't swim as a general rule, though some on coasts and rivers had learned the mechanics of it. He could manage to keep himself afloat if he were to fall in, but generally avoided the water except to view it.

Brooklyn nodded. " should give it a try sometime. I'd be happy to teach you." She wasn't sure if it was Florence Nightingale Syndrome or that this doctor was simply handsome but she found she was enjoying his company.

"You might have to teach me how to swim first." Khellian countered as he manipulated her foot once more gently, barely caressing the ankle bone with sensitive fingertips. "Much better." Offering her his hand to assist her to her feet "Try walking and see how it feels won't you?"

Brooklyn slowly put pressure on it as she stood, grabbing Khellian's hand as she did so. His touch was gentle but strong. "Then I will be happy to teach you." She looked down at her ankle that felt alot better. "Much better. Thank you," she replied, not realizing she was still holding his hand.

"I am glad to hear it." Glancing at the chrono he smiled softly "Do you usually eat after your workout?"

"Yes, usually. Did you have any particular place in mind?" she asked.

"I have not been here for very long," The tall romulan offered her a charming smile and then glanced down. "I should go and properly clothe myself."

'Don't bother,' Brooklyn thought with a grin. "Ah, I know a great place then." Realizing she was still in her PT gear. "Perhaps I should change as well."

"I have a replicator if you'd like to use it. " Khellian gestured to the dark panel, and his eyes flickered over the woman once more as he turned to go back upstairs. "Otherwise, I won't be but a moment."

"Thank you," she said as she waited for Khellian to disappear upstairs. She walked over to the replicator and sighed, trying to think of what to wear. Her uniform was far too formal. She chose a blue/white floral print wrap around dress with lower heeled shoes. Laying the newly replicated clothes out, she began to change into the dress.

The simplicity of hearing her move below him made him smile, and he allowed his mind to wander. He picked out a piece of forest green fabric that had beehive lattice patterns printed on it at the collar and cuffs in creamy green and ivory. A belt of interlocking rings held the tunic closed over his chest and ivory pants. His boots were the same forest green and came to mid calf.

Brooklyn finished dressing herself as she heard footsteps come down the stairs. She turned and took in Khellian's new outfit. "You look quite handsome," she said smiling.

"Your dress is also quite lovely." He replied and bowed slightly to her. "Please lead on."

"Of course," she replied with a smile as the two walked out together.


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