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Dinner and a Recon

Posted on Sun 15th Apr, 2018 @ 12:58am by Captain Ranulf MacBain

1,133 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD6 1700hrs

Ranulf wore his only civilian suit. It was tan pants and jacket, with a brown turtleneck shirt and brown shoes. The florist, Mrs. Smith, had suggested he come here yesterday, so here he was. It would not hurt to see what the woman Flavia suggested he meet looked like. He had no real interest in a girlfriend but he did enjoy female company. He saw the doorman and smiled. The fellow was slightly shorter and more slender than MacBain, but he was well muscled and he moved like someone who knew what he was doing. Ranulf watched him with customers for a few minutes and decided he liked the guy. That meant step one was now up to him.

He timed his approach to the doorman so no other customers were around to delay. Ranulf stopped a respectful distance away and tilted his head "I have a question and it might sound odd I was told by a Flavia Smith, the florist lady, that the doorman here named Velasquez was a decent fellow. Would you be Mr. Velasquez? My name is Ranulf MacBain." Offering his hand with a friendly smile he wondered if this was really such a smart approach.

Reon shook the man's hand. It was an unusual approach, but he could go with it. "Yes, Reon Velasquez, pleased to meet you. We know Flavia quite well, since Miss Lantz buys a lot of orchids and other plants through her. Nice to know she thinks I'm a decent fella," Reon laughed. "What can I do for you, Sir?"

"I am new here, as you likely already figured out. Flavia suggested I meet a young lady here named Jenna.. Jenna Clark! I was wondering if you knew which tables she works so I could request one of hers. If she smiles at me when I order I will ask her for contact information and see what happens." Ranulf made eye contact with the doorman, as till then he had been thinking and trying to explain himself. "If you want to warn her, or call Mrs. Smith to check out my story, that is all fine. I freely admit I don't date much, and I am not sure how to go about any of this. I only came here tonight, because I sort of told Flavia I would." He shrugged his shoulders admitting, "For a fighter pilot, I make a pretty sad Casanova."

The doorman laughed. "You know, halfway through that little speech, I was ready to toss you out of here, but I have to say, you are pretty bad at this. I'll take pity on you. But," he turned serious, "I'm warning you, that woman is like my little sister, so you better not think you can get away with anything untoward."

The woman herself showed up exactly then. "Looks like we've hit a slow moment. No line out the door." She smiled at the man standing by Reon, making her eyes crinkle slightly. "Are you looking for a table for dinner? This guy," she smacked the doorman lightly on the arm, "could keep you chatting forever while you starve and turn into a skeleton."

Velasquez smiled enigmatically, "I could, yes, under the right circumstances."

Ranulf nodded his head, looking at Jenna. He noted her brown eyes and that she had a few freckles when she crinkled her eyes. The body language made him think she might have a sense of humor and might be willing to put up with him once in a while. "He has been most helpful, and yes, I would enjoy a table and dinner. If you would be so kind as to lead the way, I will follow."

Ranulf faced Reon, and spoke in a low voice. "Not because I fear any threat you might make but because I am not the type of person who would do anything that would make such threats needed." Ranulf took a step, backing away, "Besides I am here to make a few friends, and I am not good at it. I doubt she will be even remotely interested!" He raised his hands in surrender before turning to follow Jenna.

"Who would not be interested in being your friend?" Jenna asked curiously, turning again to lead the man toward a table she particularly liked herself. It wasn't on the edge of the dance floor, but it had a nice view from about the halfway point between the musicians, currently The Cymbidiums, a three-piece combo employed exclusively by Orchids and Jazz. The music would be at a comfortable level, but not intrusive and could be tuned out by someone who wanted to make conversation.

Ranulf dropped his chin on his chest shaking his head following her. Before he sat down in the booth he looked at her face and took a deep breath. "Full Disclosure, Ms. Clark. I met someone the other morning and mentioned I was new to the base. She suggested I meet you, seemed to hold you in high regard. So all I had was your name, and I truly debated coming here or not. I decided just seeing you might help me make up my mind about trying to meet you. I asked the doorman, another friend of yours, which tables you were working. My idea being, if you seemed nice, I would ask for your number so I could ask you out some evening."

He sat down with his hands on the table. "So that is my story, as painfully sad as it sounds." Ranulf shrugged his shoulders "I checked your menu online. I would like the two pork chop dinner with baked potato, just butter on that. The corn and a Coke." He smiled meekly. "If you want to have someone else bring my meal I understand. You can tell Reon he need not worry about my intentions, because I do believe I have made a big enough fool of myself. I also apologize to you for taking your time to explain."

Jenna was a little taken aback. It wasn't that she didn't occasionally have a customer ask her for a date, but they usually weren't so honest in explaining their intent. She wondered briefly who had recommended her.

After a moment, she smiled at him and said, "So let me ask again, who wouldn't be interested in being your friend? I'll be back in a few minutes with your order. I have a short break coming. Why don't we talk for a bit? You make up your own mind about me, and I'll make up mine about you."

He took a moment to register she had not just blown him off as an idiot. "Sure, that would be great if you want to do that." He smiled in disbelief. "I will be here."


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