Captain Ranulf MacBain
Name Ranulf call sign *Wolfman* MacBain
Position Squadron Leader
Rank Captain
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 29 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'3" | |
Weight | 203lbs | |
Hair Color | Dark Brown | |
Eye Color | Sky Blue | |
Physical Description | He appears even taller with broad shoulders, piercing sky blue eyes that smile when he is happy and look piercing when he is angry. Dark brown hair and beard kept at a 1/2" length. He is fit with solid facial features, a hawkish nose, although his face is a bit narrow.![]() |
Spouse | N/A | |
Children | N/A | |
Father | Brad MacBain | |
Mother | Sandy MacBain (decreased) | |
Brother(s) | N/A | |
Sister(s) | Nancy MacBain (12 years younger, born 12 march) | |
Other Family | four adopted uncles, that raised him: John Clevertree, a retired starfleet fighter pilot; Mike Mender, a retired starfleet bay deckhand; John Alton, a retired starfleet Marine shuttle pilot; Frank Canteni, owner/operator of a small remote shuttle / aerospace port. |
Personality & Traits
Strengths & Weaknesses | +excellent eyesight +strong spatial awareness +extremely quick reflexes and very cool under fire +Excellent memory, almost never forgets whatever he has seen, read, or heard -Loner, no close friends outside his family, is friendly but just not good making friendships, too self-reliant -no musical aptitude at all |
Ambitions | To be the best he can achieve at whatever he does. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Painting portraits to relax Flying vintage aircraft Martial Art katas to stay in shape Running to free the mind, Normally 3-5 miles a day He can dance, despite his lack of musical ability, he is graceful and dances much like he does when performing a kata. To a visual and mental rhythm all his own. |
Personal History | Ranulf was born May 19th and raised in the mountains of the Colony world, His Father was a middle class freight Hauler, His Mom was a stay at home mom-mostly due to poor health. His Father worked long hours and spent most of his free time helping his ailing mother. Ranulf grew up taking on responsibility from a very young age. When He was nine He met Mike Mender, the parts truck the man had been driving had slipped on the icy road and slid off the road. The jarring stop had overturned several boxes and parts where scattered all over the place. Ranulf was walking home from school and stopped to help. He was nearly two hours till had everything picked up and still no sign of a wrecker to haul the truck free. Ranulf brought Mike home and His parents who invited him, then his Father drove out and helped get the parts truck free. After that Mike started taking Ranulf out to the Aero port on weekends at first then nearly everyday. The other three older fellows took an immediate liking to young Ranulf and wasn't long till he was their assistant in just about everything. He spent as much time with his older friends as possible, learning to navigate, basic repairs and how to use flight controls all as he worked putting parts away and answered phones. By age of fifteen He could practically run the place without help. His Mom passed on giving birth to his sister during that time and his Dad started drinking. The Sister was given to his Mom's Aunt to raise and Ranulf started spending even more time up at the Aero-Port. John started giving him flying lessons at fourteen and there was a strong competition between the two John's as to who could teach the young MacBain the most. Clevertree pulled out all the stops when he bought an old peregrine courier and started teaching Brad actual ACM/SCM. Alton started to teach MacBain assault combat landings and methods of rescue ops. MacBain enjoyed it all and was a dedicated student, at least here. All the time he spent with his 'Uncles' actually hurt his grades in school due to missed homework assignments. Given a choice of plotting a course to Pluto and then flying there and back was much more interesting then English grammar or a science homework project. MacBain didn't participate in school activities at all, He worked at the Aero port, a lot of times he slept there as well. He and his Dad had become strangers. All four of his Uncles helped Ranulf get his grades back up. From the very beginning coming to the aeroport he had trained with them in martial arts every morning and evening. They felt it was important to stay fit and each had their own style. As with the pilots they all competed to show Ranulf who had the most effective techniques. |
Service Record | 2381 to 2384: Enlist in the marines. BCT, AIT as a scout/sniper, Zero-G training, and stealth insertion training (by space jump, various forms of parachuting, and Scuba diving. With a nine month tour aboard the USS Horus as part of a small Recon unit. 2384-2389: Sent to train as a marine pilot. started with Shuttles, then onto OCS to be a 2ndLieutenant, and finally onto fighters. He excelled to the extent he was assigned to an advanced space combat tactics course on Mars. 2389: 1st assignment with a promotion to 1stLieutenant (due to high class rank): assigned to the USS Bergen as a Fighter pilot. Almost 3 years of training, patrols, and away missions without firing his weapons in a combat situation 2392: assigned to SB Vanguard, MF-100 "Black Knights" Squadron, promoted to Captain while in transit. ==more details on marine service====== Ranulf joined the Marines right after his school graduation, only a few months after he turned eighteen. He had tested well and applied for flight training. He was put on the list of accepted applicants. Once in basic training he did well in the various military skills hands-on training and in classes. Always in the top three of any group. Ranulf helped others whenever asked and was patient and polite, but he seldom offered help and never asked for it himself. The D.I.'s had a difficult time trying to figure him out, but he never caused a problem and worked well in a team. His marksmanship was outstanding and he was chosen for Scout/Sniper training. With no word available for flight school he accepted. Being the top graduate in the Scout/Sniper training cycle he received a promotion to lance corporal upon completion. He was offered additional training for insertion into hostile territory. He accepted the training as it looked interesting as well as challenging, Parachuting, HiLo, LoLo drops as well as space jumps were all part of the training. The course also included zero-G training and scuba diving familiarization. He toughed out the training, even enjoyed much of it. Especially the space jumps and scuba parts. He was assigned to a recon unit on the *Horus*, an Anubis class destroyer, patrolling the one time Marquis/Cardassian territory. The Marquis were reported to have become terrorist and pirates since the war ended. The *Horus* first assignment of the patrol was to drop the marine team in a mountain range on Ronara. Their Intelligence team was to be inserted near the major population center. Then the *Horus* was to pull back and patrol just outside the system. The ship's Argo transport made the insertion by a HiLo paradrop for the marines as passed their sector. The Argo then landed with the excuse to drop off medical supplies, where they dropped off the Intel team to set up their observation point. After four months of no results if was being considered to pull the teams out early. The marine team detected a power source though, and saw a Marquis Condor class raider lift off. They moved toward the launch location and spotted a hangar-bay door, several other personal size access points, plus four sentries. The marine team watched the base for two weeks. They spotted three disrupter canon turrets guarding the base during that time. The Raider ship was captured during a raid so there was no reason to wait any longer. The Marines were to take out the defensive bunkers to clear the way for the local raiding force. This would be MacBain's first combat. He performed flawlessly taking down all four sentries and both door guards at ranges between 350yds and 600yds. His spotter Jake Spangler was an old sergeant, who had was the senior member of their team. The team Sapper took out one weapons bunker and the door. The weapons team used their missile launcher to take out the other two weapons bunkers. When the local team arrived it was a mop up operation. The marine team was picked up by the Argo four days later a few miles from the skirmish site. The Intelligence team was transported back to the ship the same day. Only a month later they were to try the same style mission, this time on Camor. This time the marines were just transported down, as the place was more densely populated and the energy would be less detectable then the aerial insertion. Even at night. The Intelligence team was also sent in once again. The *Horus* returned to space outside the system to patrol. This was a coastal watch and much more exposed, with no where to run and hide. It was the local people who spotted them, looking back it was believed to have been a fisherman who ratted the marines out. The same fisherman that ferried the Marquis out for a stealthy insertion during the night. From the air four shuttles swooped in and dropped off armed raiders. The night was not the cover the raiders had expected as the marine's visors had several spectrum of enhancement. Still there were a hundred of them and eight marines. MacBain created a hole for the team to slip away that night. Spangler called the targets and then picked the shift points after each shot. Just the same two marines were wounded. Nine raiders were dead before they began lobbing explosives into the area. Spangler and MacBain rode out the shelling and then sneaked through the enemy lines. The days became endless as the marines over and over again were located and had to fight their way clear. The local authorities feared the Raiders but not the Federation so they did not lift a finger. Replacing losses revealed the Marquis base to the Intelligent infiltrators though so the mission was a success. When the *Horus* returned three marines were dead, Three others were wounded. Spangler and MacBain had been missed, nothing more then scrapes and bruises. Intelligence made note of MacBain, they already had given up on Spangler years ago. The marines losses were replaced and an untried 2ndLT was given the command. The *Horus* moved to patrol the Argolus Cluster and there were involved in six boarding actions, four were hostile. MacBain was promoted to Corporal during those few months. He had been on the *Horus nine months when the snafu was found and his orders came through for flight school. He left the *Horus* on a courier Danube and was whisked away to Earth. Flight school was a breeze and he enjoyed it, was like giving a kid all the best toys to play with. He left Mimas flight school as a Warrant officer. Officer training was his first obstacle he did not excel at though. He was too much of a loner to be a good leader. The Instructors worked extra hard with him and mostly passed him because he was slated for fighter pilot training. He began the fighter pilot course as a 2ndLieutenant and he breezed through. MacBain's spatial sense and sharp vision made him a top candidate for advanced fighter tactics training on Mars. There he was one of only a very few trainees that got through the course with never being defeated in mock dogfights. He did not win every time but he was never declared destroyed. Upon graduation his first assignment was not a replacement pool as expected though. He went to the USS Hermes as a 1stLieutenant. |