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Baseline exam, MacBain

Posted on Wed 18th Apr, 2018 @ 10:11pm by Captain Ranulf MacBain & Lieutenant Anjohl Gaden MD

671 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: medbay
Timeline: MD 2 afternoon


MacBain knew he needed a baseline to be able to report for full duty so he stopped here to get it done. He set his two duffel bags in a corner out of the way as he moved to the admitting desk. "Excuse me, I just recently came aboard and was wondering when you could schedule me a baseline exam. The sooner the better as I would like to jump into my new assignment here as quickly as possible."

The Bajoran doctor had let the receptionist leave early as he "had a hot date with a cool nurse", so he was sitting behind the counter when the new officer came in and made his request, "Well, I'm off duty in about thirty minutes, but I should be able to get that baseline out of the way for you. Why don't you follow me?"

"Thanks, Doc, that would be great. You know I need this to get back to full duty stasis so the sooner the better." Ranulf followed him back to the bay indicated and shrugged his shoulders "I can't remember the last time I was sick, no broken bones or scars, and no allergies. I am boringly healthy Doc. My vision is better than 20/20 and I can still hear as far as I know. Blood type is still A+." He laughed softly "so what did I miss Doc?"

"Probably nothing, but I don't believe much in self-diagnosis. Besides, if I had a credit for every pilot, well every officer who told me he was in top shape and didn't really need a physical, well I'll be a rich man by now. Why don't you get up on that biobed and let me run some tests."

"Sure thing. So Doc you been on the base long? I have heard some wild stories already!" He sat up straight one hand on each knee. he stopped talking in case the Doctor needed quiet to run the scan.

"I've been here around a month or so," he said an easy smile playing at his lips as he ran the wand of the tricorder over him, starting with his face and working his way down. "What kind of stories have you heard?"

Over at Operations I was told because of the size of this base a person lives on a Bajoran farm set up? I can not explain why but i never doubted her claim. A farm on a starbase? I just never would have considered such a thing. I have standard solo quarters which suits me just fine." He looked at Gaden shrugging his shoulders, "just the idea is beyond me?"

"Well the station is like a big city, so it doesn't surprise me, though I've never actually seen the place. I'm kind of like you though I'm happy with my own little place. It's more than good enough for me."

Ranulf like most marines wanted to spend the least amount of time possible in sickbay. The Doc seemed about done with scanning so he asked "so Doc are we done? Is it time to go to the lounge and relax yet?"

Gden gave the Marine a thoughtful look. "Well if you're buying the first round we're done, as soon as I get a DNA sample. If not, well I'm sure I can think of a few more test I could run."

Ranulf put a credit chip on the stand, "Thanks Doc. No offense but I hope I never see you in here again till next year's baseline. Enjoy the drink on me. I have somethings to get done yet before I am done for today." Ranulf was up and out the door, he did not need an invitation to leave medical. He grabbed his bags from the corner where he left them and walked toward the turbolift. He was clear for duty now, he just needed to check his quarters and drop off his kit. He had a squadron to take over and he had a lot of work to do.



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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 18th Apr, 2018 @ 10:26pm

Graves to Anjohl: "No pun intended, but I feel your pain. They can't get out of my office fast enough, either."

By on Thu 19th Apr, 2018 @ 11:39pm

That was the fastest DNA test ever! LOL I'm wondering about that cool nurse. I'll be expecting to see fighters flying soon!