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Say who do I see about Quarters.

Posted on Tue 17th Apr, 2018 @ 12:34pm by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Captain Ranulf MacBain
Edited on on Tue 17th Apr, 2018 @ 2:38pm

1,716 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Main Operations
Timeline: MD 2 mid morning


After reporting to his own boss he went to Operations. He had gear to put in his quarters, two duffelbags in his razor was not much but it was all he had accumulated. He spied a Lieutenant as he walked into the outer office and waved his hand to get her attention. When she noticed him he smiled a warm, friendly expression "Excuse me Lieutenant. I just arrived here a short time ago and was wondering who to see about quarters? Would you be so kind to help me out?"

Baro was standing just about to head off somewhere when she paused, taking him in, she smiled politely, "One of the new pilots right..." she said almost to herself, then tapped a few keys on an arm mounted, portable PADD like device on her right arm. Flipping through the faces until she got the one she wanted. "You should have received all that in your welcome packet..." She tapped a few more keys, "Which apparently due to a glitch sent to your last post fully after you left...wonderful..."

She turned to yell a nearby Ensign, "Oy! Welcome Packet for Marine Captain Ranulf MacBain on a PADD, asap." The Ensign scurried off and she turned back to the Marine Captain, "Welcome Packet includes room assignment, basic codes, maps, and everything you should need to navigate the station. There is an area we're the pilots are bedded down by squadron." She said in a more normal tone of voice.

"That is likely my fault. I hopped a ride on a patrol ship rather than wait on the supply transport they were planning on sending me on. I did not expect a welcome packet till I got here though?" Ranulf shrugged "first time I was assigned to a base, they must work different than ships. Anyway sorry for any inconvenience caused, I would appreciate it if you could get this worked out for me though. I am with MF-100 Squadron if that helps any."

Baro smiled, "It's not a problem, something new I'm trying. So people have time to review their assignment packet before they get here. When I first got here I was quite overwhelmed trying to track it all, doing research on my own and all, a packet in advance would have helped a bit. This is my first station too and it's in a class all its own." She said sympathetically, it was quite something to get used to.

Ranulf nodded at her explanation "the way you just put it really seems like a helpful idea. I never thought of how gig a base would be. When we pull into a port we just check out the entertainment decks and return to the ship. I guess living her i do need to know my way around." His smile was friendly and he was a bit apologetic in demeanor. "If it is not too personal to ask Lieutenant how long have you been here?"

The assistant handed her a PADD before she could answer, she glanced down and it then handed it to the Marine Captain, "Well I try, I mean you can look things up yourself but hard to know where to start. Hopefully this will at least give you a place to start, and live, your room assignment with the rest of the MF-100 is on there." She smiled, "And no that's fine I've been there about here a few months. Later on if you choose there are so many housing options here beyond normal quarters, I live on a Bajoran like farm for example." He would find out about the CMO's house if he was lucky enough to get invited to one of their interesting gatherings.

"You live on a planet?" Ranulf knew most bases had expansive botanical gardens but a 'farm dwelling'? "I guess that be pretty cool, I do not think I would have many options on housing, we pilots tend to be on call more often than not." He looked over the PADD checking his quarters, "Am I a solo apartment or do I have a room-mate?" He found the deck but there was a lot of information to shift through.

The Ops Chief gave him a sympathetic smile, it was a lot to deal with. She tapped a few keys on her wrist computer to tell her yeoman to adjust her schedule for this. Fortunately he tended to built in a lot of play in her schedule for just such pop up meetings.

"Right this is not going to be a quick conversation, why don't we have a seat?" She gestured to a mini meeting alcove off to one side with a tale and a few chairs. "And it just feels like a planet when you're there, its still on station. Me I came from a couple of small ships and now I have a staff bigger than entire ships complements. I'd be lost without my yeoman" Petty Officer 1st Class Walter O'Rielly was efficiency on legs and she was grateful to him.

"Thank you and I do appreciate your time, really. So you live on a farm here on the base?" Ranulf took the offered seat still incredulous about what she was saying. He was wondering if she lived in a holodeck? He doubted that as he had heard rumors that sort of thing was like an addiction.

"Right as a Marine Captain you are entitled to solo quarters though some have chosen to live more 'barracks style' Though not as large as Senior Officer's quarters they are decently appointed." She called up a 3D map from the table and pointed out where they were and where his quarters were. "I've highlighted areas of interest on your PADD, like night spots I recommend Orchids & Jazz if you want some peaceful class, and other areas." Colored dots appeared scattered throughout the station over hundreds decks.

Ranulf nodded as she spoke. I did not see that in my orders. He began skimming through the welcome pack information and pulled out his orders. The ones there were dated after the ones he had. Solo, yes, that suits me just fine. I have some hobbies and I also like to be alone at times. I have lived barracks style quite enough for my tastes. Seems a lot has happened in the short time I took to get here." Ranulf looked up "You have really opened my eyes here Lieutenant, anything else I should know!" He laughed softly his smile friendly and honest.

Alora laughed, "Yes well, that happens here. It is a smallish farm in a temperate controlled area of the station meant to simulate planet life, if I walk far enough one way its desert or far enough another and there's a temperate zone. When I'm there I can almost forget I live on a station..." She smiled at the thought. "It's all done with architecture and environmental controls, truly an amazing creation." She laughed at herself, "Sorry bit more than you needed to know I suspect Captain."

"No, not at all. I am truly fascinated! I would have never guessed it was even possible. Just the power outlay to do something like that would likely be beyond most ship's capacity. The base is really something. I might be exploring more of this than I thought I would. Do many people have quarters such as your? Not for myself you understand, I like the stark reality of normal walls myself." Ranulf laughed again knowing seeing a farm environment would be unsettling to his mind knowing he was in space. "I am just curious, I would like to see some of these places if possible and do not want to even suggest intruding on you.

Alora thought it was rather amazing herself, when she'd looked at the technological marvel that was the power core system for this place. She'd teared up, such a thing of beauty it was. "It rather is, some don't even pay attention anymore but there's an amazing amount of behind the scenes that goes on to run this place like it is and..." She stopped, "And I'm running off on an engineer tangent, again. Alright to answer your question, yes some. There's so many types of housing here one can choose. Or if they'd rather not they can stay in the assigned quarters which are more typical but still quite nice. Me I find lately I've been missing home but I wanted to stay in Starfleet so here I am." She smiled.

"If you'd like just walk the streets of Tivoli Gardens, you'll see a lot of variety at least from a distance. Our Chief Counselor has a lovely cottage, our CMO a..." She paused thinking how to describe it, "wonderful house full of character." She said honestly. "That's the best thing about this assignment. It's a huge challenge but never a dull moment..." Then she laughed, "And I even mean that in a good way as well."

"Tivoli Gardens? Yes I see that on the deck schematic. Here I thought it was another botanical garden. I will have to check this place out as it sounds rather unique." He had the feeling her time was up for this meeting and stood "My thanks Lieutenant, you have been very generous with your time as well as patient with me. I do appreciate that. I have been places marines are sort of second class citizens so your friendliness is a really pleasant surprise. He bowed his head his eyes friendly never leaving hers. If you ever need a marine Ma'am call on me and I will be there." He straighten, came to attention, took a smart step to the rear and turned. He did wave though as he walked out of the office.

Alora smiled and returned the wave, she actually hadn't worked with many marines but since she tended to treat everyone with respect until they proved they didn't deserve it that didn't matter as such. He seemed like a good officer and she rather hoped he liked his new assignment. She sat in peace for a moment before her arm unit chimed, letting her know she had to be somewhere else now, "Never a dull moment." She said and got up to get to it.



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Comments (2)

By on Tue 17th Apr, 2018 @ 2:43pm

It was fun to see our base from the standpoint of two who are newer to it, and weren't around when we were a very deteriorated, at least on the surface, version of a starbase. I enjoyed the give and take between the characters, as well. Jade appreciates the advertising!

By on Thu 19th Apr, 2018 @ 4:07pm

Who do we have to pay to get Pearl With a Chainsaw in the welcome packet? ;)

Nice job, folks.