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How Do You Solve a Problem Like Torva?

Posted on Sun 19th Nov, 2017 @ 11:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD & Lieutenant Anjohl Gaden MD

740 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: ACMO's Office
Timeline: MD-5

Lanis sighed as the Trill engineering officer left. It had taken nearly all of the patience in him to not snap at the man for coming to him with a frivolous surgical request.

Body dysmorphic disorder. I never would have believed in that if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. Back at the camps I would have told that man he was a self-indulgent whiner, and to get back to the business of killing Cardassians. I don't think I'd have noticed how truly distressed he was; I'd have been so furious with him.

He sipped from the mug of ginger tea on his desk and then sent a message to Dr. Anjohl, requesting to see him, as Dr. Addams was not in.

Anjhol had been hanging some pictures in his cabin when he realized his shift started in fifteen minutes. He quickly jumped into the sonic shower, then slipped on a pair of teal scrubs and made his way down. It took him about ten minutes then he walked through the doors.

Lanis left his office and headed for the surgical simulator. It was late in the day for him, but he still had interns to teach the following day, and he needed to make certain the simulator was properly programmed for them. He caught sight of Anjohl Gaden on his way there, however, and intercepted him. "Is it shift change, already? Once you get settled in, I need to talk with you, please."

"Yes, it's that time, I almost forgot my schedule, I was caught up in unpacking. I'm ready now if you'd like I was just going to review the current cases."

"Yes, please," Lanis said. "I've got to check the surgical simulator for tomorrow, but I really want to talk this over with you."

The Bajoran leaned up against the bulkhead folding his arms across his abdomen. "So," he said, "tell me what's on your mind."

"Well..." Lanis sighed. "I believe I have a patient suffering from body dysmorphic disorder. But the patient is a joined Trill, and I believe the person with the disorder is the symbiont. I am debating how to approach the case. This is not something I can just suture together. I thought about stem cell therapy to repair the brain lesion I expect to find, but I haven't found much in the literature about using it to treat BDD, either. Do you have any advice? This is outside my expertise."

"You're right, it's not something you can just suture together. There are just too many variables to contend with. I'm certainly no expert either. It's not just a disease that you can counter with a vaccination. Gene therapy might work. However, I think it's going to need a multi-discipline approach. I'd recommend that we get a psychological consult as well. You say that you think it is the symbiont that is having an issue and I think that's a pretty logical assumption. How does the host feel? Are they both dealing with this issue?"

"Yes, they both are, now. The host has a strong enough personality that he was able to admit that he hasn't always felt this way, that it started after symbiosis and has only gotten worse since then. I figured that it had to be the symbiont because had the host suffered from the condition, he wouldn't have been allowed to Join."

"You know, I had a friend, he's a pilot, and his brother suffered from the condition, but he had some counselling, the hormonal treatment and then surgery. Now, he has a sister and she is remarkably well adjusted. However, I think this case is a little different since it involves a Trill. The new host may not have the same issue, or they may want to deal with it in a different way. I guess our first step is to see what both of them want to do and give them their options. Let them decide."

Lanis nodded. "I think the serotonin re-uptake inhibitor--or Trill equivalent--to start with would be a good idea, and counseling," he said. "I'm scheduled to meet with the patient tomorrow at 1430 hours. Would you mind sitting in?"

"Not at all. I'd love to. I'm no counselor, but I might have some insights that would be helpful. I'll be sure to clear my calendar."

Lt. Anjohl Gaden, MD
Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Lt. Dhuro Lanis, MD
Chief of Surgery


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