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The Orion Connection

Posted on Sat 26th Aug, 2017 @ 11:51am by

891 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Disney Inc. Central Office; Deck 1553

Leah wasn't used to the smaller office. Hers had been spacious and although this office was nice, it didn't meet her expectations. On the terminal screen in front of her, was the profile of her attacker--Torbin Sobas. He had ties with the Orion Syndicate but nowhere was there anything that stated he was a member of their organization. 'A hired gun?' she thought as she leaned back in the brown leather office chair. 'Arrived on a Orion Corvette that had been retired from active service--the ODS Scepter.'

A beep alerted her to an incoming news flash from the FNN. "Orion Corvette destroyed in a failed attack on the Federation Starship USS Warspite."

"That can't be a coincidence," Leah said to herself. "Computer, what is the name of the Orion Vessel destroyed attacking the USS Warspite?"

The computer chirped as it acknowledged the question and began to search the available database. "The ship is listed to have been the ODS Scepter. The ODS Scepter is recorded by the Orion Military as to have been retired from service."

"Definitely not a coincidence." Now all she had to do was to find the connection. Why would a retired Orion military vessel drop off her assailant and then proceed to attack the USS Warspite? Even though she didn't have a military mind, she knew the attack was suicidal. Damn Hunt for not being here aboard the station--she could really use his help. "You just had to go aboard the Warspite to retrieve some derelict vessel destined for the scrapyards."

She shot up in her chair as she finished the thought--there was the connection to her. Commander Hunt and she had begun a serious relationship. The assailant was sent as a message to threaten her to keep her business contained to the station...but how would the syndicate--if it was them--had known about her relationship with Commander Hunt and what ship he would have been traveling aboard? Her mind raced through options, coming to only the most unlikely yet most frightening conclusion--there was a spy aboard the station, perhaps even in her own company. Who could she now trust?

Tomar--she could at least trust Tomar. He had always been a loyal friend and bodyguard that she had known for years ever since her divorce. She activated the intercom. "Leah Jamison to Tomar. Please come and see me immediately."

"Yes, Miss Jamison," came the Chameloid's voice.

A moment later, Tomar entered the office, clasping his hands calmly behind his back. "You wished to see me, Miss Jamison?"

"Yes. I believe we have a spy on the station that may be working for the Orions or whatever organization that hired my assailant. I should at least contact Commander Jekkar," Leah explained.

"I would advise against that, Miss Jamison. You may alert the spy--if one exists--that you are onto him, her, or them. It may even be Commander Jekkar himself who is the spy."

"Hmmm...that's a possibility." The spy would have had to know of her relationship with Commander Hunt but Hunt could have informed Jekkar of their relationship. 'Damn, I feel cornered--checkmated,' she thought. She took a few breaths to calm her nerves as she thought of what to do next.

"My suggestion is to wait for the moment until we learn more. I will check with my sources to see if they have heard anything," Tomar suggested.

This caught Leah by surprise as she looked up at her long time body guard. "I wasn't aware that you had 'sources'."

Tomar nodded once. "I do, Miss Jamison. I just do not like to let it be known and almost never use them."

Leah was still shocked to learn that Tomar had outside sources. She had always figured him to be a simple body guard. "Very well. Let me know if you learn of anything."

"Yes, Miss Jamison," Tomar replied with a slight bow before turning and exiting the office.

Leah continued her research into the ODS Scepter.

A few hours later, Leah stretched in the chair. She was tired and hadn't learned much about the ODS Scepter other than it had been purchased by an unknown buyer. 'You would think they would keep a record of people buying armed starships,' Leah thought.

Her door chime sounded as she called, "Enter," while standing from her desk.

Tomar appeared in the doorway. "You should call it a day Miss Jamison."

"You're right. Have you learned anything else from your sources?" Leah asked as she moved to the office door.

"No, Miss Jamison, I haven't heard anything useful back from them," Tomar replied as she approached him to walk out of the office.

"Damn. Well, keep trying, Tomar," Leah said, frustrated at seemingly to have hit a dead end.

Leah felt a sharp pinch on the side of her neck as the room began to spin and grow dark. "Tomar...what is...going..." Leah collapsed to the deck unconscious.

Tomar pocketed the small hypospray he had concealed. "You were asked nicely, Miss Jamison," Tomar said as he bent down to pick Leah up. He activated a small comm link on the inside of his wrist. "This is Tomar. I have the package. Two for transport."

Tomar and Leah vanished from the office in a flash of white light, which differed from a normal transporter beam.



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Comments (2)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sat 26th Aug, 2017 @ 5:51pm

Well, this is not a good situation...*nibbles popcorn* :D

By on Sun 27th Aug, 2017 @ 12:58am

Totally didn't see that coming! Great suspense builder. *reaching for a handful of Chantal's popcorn* (U can sharz!)