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Place Your Bets

Posted on Sat 26th Aug, 2017 @ 1:40pm by Carlo Rienzi

891 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Casino Royale, Deck 1553
Timeline: MD 3, mid-afternoon

Strolling along at a leisurely pace, Reon and Carlo passed more Ingress players, all with their eyes glued to their devices. "If I were a meaner person than I am, it would be tempting to stick a foot out and trip one of them. I don't know how they aren't walking into walls," Reon commented as they passed a building under construction on the left.

"The screen shows a map of each deck you're on," Carlo said. "Anywhere that a green or blue sparkly light appears on the screen, you'll see people gathered. I have no idea what they do. It's supposed to be like a war game, but it's as quiet as chess." He paused as someone muttered, "Damn smurfs! That was my last Jarvis Virus!" under his breath.

Carlo shrugged. "Usually, it's as quiet as chess."

Reon laughed as they walked on and approached the entrance to the casino. "Casino Royale - pretty fancy name. Looks like a popular place, though."

They stood to one side, watching people stream in for a moment, and then he noticed the concert sign. "Oh, good, the concert is tonight ... and it looks like it's instrumental and vocal, perhaps. It's been a while since I went to anything like this, but I'm game if you are. I think I still remember how to behave," he said, laughing.

"And me without a tuxedo. Oh well!" Carlo grinned at Reon. "Ma always complains that she can't take me anywhere, so I'm lucky you're willing to."

"Not like I dressed to meet the queen," Reon responded, glancing around. "Looks like we have plenty of time, if you want to wander the casino portions first. Who knows? Maybe you'll win something fancy to wear."

They stepped inside the building, greeted by cool air and the noise of gambling machines overlaid with chatter and an occasional excited squeal. "Looks like dabo over there, and I'd recognize a bandito machine anywhere. You suppose they have any old human games, like blackjack or maybe poker?" Velasquez wondered aloud.

"I can't imagine it being a casino without at least blackjack and poker," Carlo said, "and food. I've been in a casino a time or two, and the buffets are always to die for--generous, with lots of variety. Their drinks, however, are usually boring."

"As it happens, I don't think drinking and gambling mix very well," Reon said, glancing around as they moved deeper into the room. "Food, however, I'm always in the market to try."

He caught the eye of a lovely woman delivering a drink to one of the gamblers and she came toward them. "What would you like to drink?" she asked. Although she was smiling, it didn't reach her eyes, and Reon wondered why she would work somewhere that didn't give her happiness.

"Nothing, thanks, but we'd like to eat. Is there a restaurant in the casino?" he asked.

"The casino buffet is forward and to your right, past the roulette tables," the attendant said, pointing. "We also have a fine dining establishment, Licensed to Thrill, on the other side of the high-stakes poker room--just past the craps tables and to your left."

"Thanks," Carlo said to her. He glanced at Reon. "What are you in the mood for? I have to admit, I'm curious to see if the License lives up to its name, but we're not dressed fancy, and I don't know what your budget's like."

"Buffet now and restaurant after the concert?" Velasquez asked. "Unless that's too much food for one evening. My Abuela* Carmelita always accused me of having a hollow leg, and I don't seem to have outgrown it, so I'll let you pick. And the restaurant will be my treat because ... I rarely spend any credits. It's piling up for when I decide to blow it on something. Preferably something that lasts, of course," he grinned. "Abuelita** would prefer it."

"No complaints from me about your hollow leg or the check," Carlo said, smiling. "Thanks! I can pick up the check, next time." He gave Reon a curious look. "Did you grow up on Earth?"

As they ambled toward the door of Licensed to Thrill, Reon said, "Not exactly. Martian Colonies. You might have heard of Las Floridas? The Las Floridas riots?" At Carlo's blank look, Reon said, "Well, no matter. It's where I was born, long after the riots, fortunately. Las Floridas was founded by Hispanics, as my people were called then, from various parts of Earth. When Mars was struggling for its independence, Las Floridas was a major battlefront. By the time I was born, though, all was calm and independence was secured. Actually, by the time my great-great-grandparents were born there." He flashed a smile at Carlo. "But I did spend quite a bit of time on Earth at several points during my life."

They arrived at the door to discover they could be seated immediately, so they followed a server to a quiet corner table where they could hear what Reon identified as romantic period Flamenco music, though he didn't know the piece being quietly played. They were seated, and Reon looked around before picking up his menu. "I'm going to laugh if this is all Spanish food."

*abuela - Spanish for grandmother
**abuelita - diminutive for grandmother - little grandmother - affectionate term


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