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Hell Hath No Fury

Posted on Thu 24th Oct, 2013 @ 11:49pm by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar

634 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Marine Holodeck
Timeline: Current

Cara stood on the marine holodeck facing Tallus. It was the one place she could safely loose her temper and not run the risk of hurting the crew "What the hell do you mean I cant come on the mission? I'm the damn XO!"

"I am not going to argue this with you Cara. You know why you cannot go." Tallus said sternly. He understood her frustration. But with Cara with child Tallus knew that she couldn't go. He wouldn't risk anything happening to her.

"I feel useless!" Stones were rattling around them in her agitation "I've been stuck here for one reason or another for MONTHS." She was starting to have a lot of sympathy for Nyx.

"Would you rather me remain as the station commander instead. By the time you and the Colonel got back you know that the station would be completely militarized. And how many people would be in the brig for attempting to kill the acting CO? If you remember correctly Nyx is still not a fan of mine." Tallus said standing his ground.

"No! I'd rather be with you! Nyx hates me too if you didn't notice." Letting out her frustration in a yell she gaped as small stones began swirling around them. Calming quickly she moved closer to him not sure how to stop it "Um...."

Tallus closed his eyes and joined their minds. "Relax my love. You know that this is for the better good. You are more suited to the station command then I am. You know that you would want to kill me when you came back and everything was wrong."

Closing her eyes Cara let him wrap her in a sense of security as she half laughed half sobbed. "At least they are less likely to lynch me." She shuddered feeling the whirlwind slow a little as she leant into him physically.

"Yes, lynching is bad." Tallus said holding Cara close.

Wrapping her arms round him she calmed further the stones slowing then dropping to the ground. Looking at him she asked in worry "I didn't hurt you did i?"

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?" Tallus said with a raised eyebrow. "You couldn't harm a fly."

"Hey! I was a special forces operative at one time." She grinned sheepishly "Guess we need to start those lessons when you get back and try and recover the memories."

"At some point yes. Best to first be recovered." Tallus said with a smile. "Special forces or not, I led an elite team that used the training of all major races."

"So it takes more than rogue abilities to take you out? Good to know." She teased him with a smile as she calmed fully.

Tallus raised his eyebrow. "It is not possible to defeat me. I am Tallus Karikkar. Loved by many, feared by more, and respected by all."

Leaning into his shoulder she giggled. "Good to see your ego is intact."

"Always." Tallus said with a grin as he welcomed the embrace.

Laughing Cara snuggled in "Think I'll ever get control after them messing with my DNA?"

"There has never been any shadow of a doubt in my mind." Tallus said with a nod.

"It seems like every time I turn round something new pops up." She stared at the stones "No pun intended."

"Such is life." Tallus said with understanding.

Nodding she sighed "I'll stay here and safe ... but I'm not happy about it."

"Luckily, you do not have to be happy about it." Tallus said looking into her eyes. "But it will allow me to do my job better knowing that you are here and safe."

Making a face she sighed "No keeping me in cotton wool once baby is born."

"I will promise nothing." Tallus said with a smile.



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