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Dinner with the parents

Posted on Tue 8th Oct, 2013 @ 9:46am by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Jessica Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar

1,723 words; about a 9 minute read


Cara watched with a smile as Jess bounced round the room like a mad magnet from one object to the next but being careful not to knock anything over in her excitement "When are they coming daddy?"

"Soon Jess. Don't worry, they'll be here soon." Tallus said standing next to a stove that he had created. He was going to make Para'tec for everyone. It was one of his own personal recipes.

Jess nodded and sat on the couch before bouncing up again and bopping round. Unable to hide her giggles Cara walked over to Tallus and hugged him from behind ~Shes a little excited.~ She had been to the doctor earlier and needed to broach a subject with Tallus so she bit her lip a little nervously.

~You better tell me what's going on.~ Tallus said stirring the food.

Sighing she said ~I'm pregnant ... 6 weeks roughly ... the first time we ...~ She bit her lip again nervously.

~Is that all?~ Tallus said with a slight smile. It had been many years since he had had a child. He even laughed a little at the thought.

~That and I'm grounded for a few days because I picked up Tholian Flu..~ She gave him a sheepish look.

"WHAT!" Tallus yelled with meaning to as he startled Jess. Recomposing himself he looked at the young girl. "Got a splash of grease. Still painful." He said looking at Cara with narrowed eyes.

Jess looked over and asked "Want some ice daddy?"

Cara squirmed under his look ~Its only the flu ....~She added to herself 'a pretty serious one' but still ....

~Lets agree not to tell your parents that little part.~ Tallus said with a shake of his head. "No thank you Jess. I will be fine."

"'kay daddy." She went back to watching the door.

Nodding Cara said ~Sorry love.~

"Alright, everything is done." Tallus said adding the final seasoning. "Lets get this on the table." Tallus said picking up the pan. He cringed as a sharp pain went through his body.

Flinching as she picked up on it she asked ~Love?Whats wrong?~

~Ensign Volenchek just burnt his hand on a live conduit.~ Tallus said with a shake. ~Welcome to my mind.~

She winced in sympathy about to say something when the door chimed.

"Excellent, the company has arrived. Jess, do you want to go answer it?" Tallus said walking towards the table.

Nodding Jess ran to the door and activated it going a little shy when she saw Josh and Mikayla standing there with their arms full of gifts. Sticking her thumb in her mouth she wiggled her fingers shyly smiling when Mikayla knelt at her level and gently hugged her. Running to her daddy she said excited "They're here daddy!"

"Well then invite them in." Tallus said with a smile as he looked at Cara. ~You ready for this?~

Bouncing back Jess said to her grandparents who were hiding laughter "Daddy says to tell you to come in ... "

Mikayla hid a laugh behind a coughing spree and walked in placing the presents she was holding onto the table in front of the couch. Josh grinned and ruffled Jess's hair as he did the same, grinning as Jess looked at them in curiosity.

Cara nodded with a smile ~Yeah ... I don't know why Im scared ... its just ... their my parents and I don't want them disappointed in me.~

~Something tells me that they could never be disappointed.~ Tallus said with a smile. "Welcome to our quarters."

Josh smiled "Thank you Tallus ... I hope you dont mind that we brought some gifts for you all."

"We do not mind in the least Josh." Tallus said with a smile.

Josh smiled and his smile widened as Cara finally came over to her mother and hugged her. His shoulders slumped in relief that she was still their little girl in spite of everything. ~Thanks Tallus.~

Tallus nodded his head in recognition. "Now, how about some dinner?"

Mikayla looked up with a smile "Sure."

"Excellent." Tallus said with a smile. "If you will all please sit." Tallus said as got the table ready. 'Computer, set the room to the landscape of the Rinkari glacial platforms.' Tallus ordered the computer as the room transformed itself holographically into a beautiful landscape that was colored with brilliant blues and reds.

Cara pulled back from her hug with her mother and smiled as she helped Jess sit up at the table on the boosted seat.

Josh did the gentlemanly thing and helped Mikayla sit at the table as he looked round "This is wonderful Tallus ... and the food smells amazing."

"It is my own recipe. One of the very few Vulcan dishes that contains meat." Tallus said with a nod as he moved to the replicator. 'A bottle of Deshanar.' Tallus said bringing the bottle to the table. "And some Vulcan wine to go with it."

Jess peeked over at her daddy not sure what to do next. She smiled when her mommy looked over at him and gave him a slightly raised eyebrow getting a nod in return then her eyes widened as she realized mommy was filling a tiny little glass with a bit of the watered wine before filling her own glass with only Appletise. Watching her new grandpa fill grandma and daddy's glasses with wine she looked confused and finally asked "Daddy ... how come mommy is the only one not drinking?"

Cara's head dropped on a groan as Mikayla looked at her with suddenly knowing eyes. ~Forgot about curious little girls too smart for their own good.~

Tallus put a grin on his face and laughed a little. "Cara, shall you do the honors?"

~Chicken~ She teased him. Turning to the others she sighed "We uh ... have some news .... Not only are you grandparents to one grand daughter ... we have a baby on the way." She smiled at the happy squeal from Jess "You'll be a big sister."

Josh and Mikayla grinned "Congratulations you two."

"Thank you." Tallus said with a grin. "The child will have much love in its life."

Cara grinned the smile widening as Jess pounced on Tallus with an excited squeal. "Baby brother or sister daddy?"

"That is something that we will all just have to wait and see." Tallus said with a smile.

Jess grinned "I can help you and momma with them."

Mikayla laughed softly pleased to see how happy Tallus and Jess were with the news. "I'm so happy for you baby."

Smiling back at her mom Cara said softly "Thank you momma ... Im sorry ... I know I should have told you both ....."

Josh shook his head "You did nothing wrong baby ... it was those doctors and the fleet officers ... and Tallus and I will find each and every one of them and deal with them so that you and Jess are safe." He looked over at Tallus to see if he had anything to add.

Tallus nodded his head affirming what Josh had said. Those men would not get by for long.

Cara's shoulders relaxed and she looked down at her plate trying not to cry in relief.

Jess looked at her grandparents in curiosity seeing the parcel with her name on it but not wanting to ask because it was rude.

Josh looked at Tallus "Should we take pity on her? Shes been beautifully behaved."

"Proceed." Tallus said with a nod.

Mikayla handed one present to Jess and another to Tallus "We wanted to welcome you both." Tallus' parcel was about the size of a folded quilt while Jess's was what looked like several things. She looked at her dad yo see if she could open it.

"What might this be?" Tallus said opening the gift.

"It is a quilt that was made by my great grandmother ... any psychic imprint on it should be pretty positive. It is an heirloom that is passed to the men who join the family." Mikayla hoped he liked it ... it was done in very masculine, almost Vulcan colours.

Jess had started opening hers curiously and pulled out the first object which was a set of wooden figurines that Josh carved for each of his children and now for his grand daughter. Picking up the sehlat she could feel the love that went into making it "Thank you grandpa."

"Your welcome little one ..."

"I am very appreciative. The craftsmanship in it is exquisite." Tallus said unfolding the quilt. "I will see it displayed proudly."

Mikayla inclined her head "Thank you .... we look forward to having you in our family ... both of you."

"I too am looking forward to that date. Although you will be expecting to see a large portion coming as I do have a few older children. None quite as young as little Jessie here but they are many." Tallus said with a nod.

Mikayla grinned at the thought of more "I'm looking forward to meeting them." She looked at Cara and reached out mentally before asking Tallus curiously "I can feel you are shielding Cara ... how are you managing it?"

"I am excellent with telepathy. To put it mildly, there is nothing that can hide or break from my mind." Tallus said with a nod.

"I can feel you protecting Jess too ... is this unique to you? Or would someone be able to teach Betazoids to do it?" It could protect a lot of young minds who came online too early.

"It is not something that can be easily taught. There have been very, very few Vulcan's who have had the capabilities of doing such. I was lucky to have learned it so young. But it still took me well over 50 years to learn it. I am afraid that that is too long for most species to study." Tallus said with understanding. It was not the first time that he had been asked that same question.

Kayla gave him an understanding nod "The council may ask you and Cara to foster in a life threatening situation."

"I would graciously accept." Tallus said with a nod.

Smiling in relief she said "Thank you."

"It would not be the first for me." Tallus said with a grin.

Cara grinned "Wont worry me if we do."

Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Acting Executive Officer & Marine Commanding Officer
Starbase Protector


Lt Colonel Cara Karikkar


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