It's Not the Flu
Posted on Sun 28th Jul, 2013 @ 10:44pm by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar
829 words; about a 4 minute read
Location: Sick Bay
Cara had been hiding the fact that she had been throwing up every morning for the last week from Tallus but having gone on so long sh eknew she needed to find out what was wrong so biting the bullet she headed out with her escort to see one of the doctors. Walking in the door she stood looking round not sure who to go to.
Rhiannon saw the Executive Officer walk in and wondered what she might needed. "Ma'am can I help you with something?" She walked over to her. "Lieutenant Kell isn't in today. She's on maternity leave for another two weeks."
Sighing in relief Cara said "No that's fine if you don't mind seeing me ... Nyx and I well ... Its better she gets some time with baby."
"Yeah. She deserves to enjoy her daughter for a little while before she has to come back to the daily grind." Rhiannon smiled. "Especially after almost losing her to that monster Dobbs." Rhiannon grabbed a trichorder. "So what brings you to sick bay Colonel? Something I can help you with?"
Cara looked sheepish "Stomach bug I think ... I seem to throw up half the morning ... and then its fine by dinner ... but next morning Im back throwing up again."
"Hmm. Take a seat."
Sitting on a bio bed Cara swung her legs idly as she looked at the changes that Nyx had wrought in what had been a bare area.
Rhiannon took a quick scan. "Are you sexually active? And do you use protection?" Rhiannon asked.
Cara nodded to both "6 months ago on the injection. Two and a half months ago on the first ... and uh ...more since then with same partner."
"Okay. Well let me break a little bit of news to you." Rhiannon smiled. "First the injection is only good for three months and're living proof of that." She handed the woman the trichorder. "You've got a baby in there. See, here." She pointed to a shadowed mass on the screen. You're about six weeks along." She gave the woman a moment for the news to absorb. "But you're not far enough along for morning sickness so I want to take a few more tests."
Blinking Cara gaped and then dropped her head as she tried to just breathe wondering what the hell she would tell Tallus " .... Um ... Ok?" It kind of came out as a squeak.
"Six weeks pregnant. You, like my Chief seemed to think that the anti-pregnancy inoculation lasts forever. It's explained in quite detail before it's given that a repeat dose must be given every ninety days." Rhiannon shook her head. "You chose to forget that and now you're shocked that you're pregnant?"
Cara said surprised "Probably Doc." She blinked before grinning unable to help it "A baby? Really? ... Is it ... ok?" She asked the last tentatively knowing Rhiannon had access to her full file and would know what she was asking.
"You conceived." RHiannon said. "You should have no issue carrying a child to term. You had external dna spliced to your own. You're still humanoid and none of this should affect your offspring. Much like I told Nyx. You're baby will be a hybrid of who it's parents are, In this case, Vulcan, Betazoid. The mutations won't effect the baby."
She sighed in relief and relaxed enough to give a full grown grin.
"Congratulations Colonel." Rhiannon smiled. "But as I said, you're not far enough along to be suffering morning sickness...Let's take a few tests. I'm betting you've caught some virus." She scanned her again. "Your white count is up." She punched a few more things into the PADD and nodded. "Looks like Tholian flu. No worries but I can't give you the normal treatment. Gonna have to go the old fashioned way. Rest, fluids, and I can give you some feberall for the fever. You should feel better in two or three days - IF you rest." She looked at her.
Cara gave her a sheepish look then nodded "I promise doc ... A couple of days of rest."
"Some how I don't believe you." She shook her head. "I don't see why you and Nyx don't get're so much alike it's scary."
She gave her a grin at that "Yup ... "
"Is there anything else I can help you with today?" Rhiannon asked.
"Not unless you eant to tell Tallus for me?"
"I'll leave that to you." She grinned. "I have to go talk to Nyx and Devyn. They haven't named their daughter yet and if I don't have a name soon, I"ll have to make one up for the birth record."
Cara grinned and hugged Rhiannon "Thanks ... and good luck." She had a Vulcan to tell he was about to be a daddy again.
"Enjoy the rest of your day...but get some rest." She warned her.
Lt Rhiannon Szardos
Medical Officer - SB Protector
Lt Colonel Cara Karrikar
XO - SB Protector